Her past

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A/n I'm currently listening to rly sad music while writing this

Allison's POV 

I think sitting in that hospital room was one of the worst experiences ever, I mean it would be yours if you were waiting in a hospital room for what it seems like your girlfriend's death. 

I've been thinking I have tell Isabella that  I'm adopted.  But no pressure right, just gotta tell my dying girlfriend that my mom isn't my real mom (which doesn't matter just think she should know).  I mean I don't have to tell it's just I really  want to. And I mean she already knows how much of an ass my dad is so no need to tell her about that. 

"Hey Bella." I break the silence.

"....yeah?" she looks over her book before fully closing it. 

"I uh- I've gotta like tell you about something and I don't want you to like, I don't know think differently of me?" she gives me a somewhat worried look, as worried as she can be with the whole dying in a few days or less thing. 

"Uh yea just like make it quick I wanna finish this book before I," she makes a motion across her throat as if she was cutting it, "Ya know?"

"Yea, I got the joke babe. I didn't find it funny though." I mean I can make the jokes it's my way coping she can't. Is that hypocrisy? Well, who cares? I've got a good enough reason to be a hypocrite. 

"Yea yea yea." she waves me off in a joking manner.

"So um I don't really know how to say this, but I think I should start from like the beginning." she merely nods in response telling be to go on.  "So, my mom is like very clearly white and like so is my sister. And I know you're wondering 'like how is that working or like possible?' and you're like so right for thinking that because I did too when In like a lot younger. But basically my parents could not have kids on their own. I  mean they tried everything. I will not go into the very gross things they did to try and have children, long story short they couldn't sooo they sat around depressed for a year or so childless until my mother came home from work one day with a filer. That filer was one of many that the adoption center Becca was at put up." her facial expression changed when the last sentence made it's way out of my mouth. 

"So yeah, they go up to the center look around see Bec's and 'that little girl would make a great kid.' so they went to adopt her but what they didn't know was that little old me had grown very attached to miss Rebecca and obviously they couldn't separate us, so they took us both." After I had seemingly finished that portion of the story it was silent (other than Mr. Rea's snoring). 

"Okay so the big thing you had to tell me was that you're adopted?" she asks.

"Yea, but like when you put it like that it sounds dumb." I respond, a sheepish grin forming on my lips.

"Well I don't think it's dumb." she pauses for a second "though your outfit is a bit dumb." she sends me a smirk proud of herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't take my time getting ready on my way to the hospital." I joke.

The room goes silent for a while, the only sounds being the soft breathing of the occupants of the room, Mr. Rea had even stopped snoring. I think the both of us had just taken a moment to think about what's gonna happen. What's gonna happen after Isabella eventually dies. After I'm left alone, alone to deal with the death of the love of my life. And it may seem a little cheesy but, I'm being left to deal with the death of my soulmate. 

The door opens and the silence is interrupted. 

"Hey Cancer girl! Sorry I'm late, you know I live- OH!" he cuts himself off as he spots me. The guy who'd just burst into the room, who I assumed to be Alex, looks at me and then Isabella. "I didn't know she'd be here. But nonetheless I'm here and I'm ready to cry with you or over you...." he looks at the ground, I guess he didn't mean to say that. Isabella told he says things on accident sometimes, a product of he's extreme ADHD, doesn't think before he speaks.  

"Um, Hi I'm Allison, Isabella's girlfriend....?" I look to Bella for conformation and she just weakly nods. "Yea I'm her girlfriend." I say giving him an awkward thumbs up and smile. 

"Yea, I know who you are, Edward Cullen here wont shut up about you." I'm guess the Edward joke was a nod to the fact that the Belle had gotten incredibly pale in the past weeks not that I was there to see, God I'm an idiot. "I'm Alex by the way." he offers while sitting on the other bed in the room sitting his bag with him, he's much more prepared than me. 

"Uh, yea nice to meet you." I give him small smile which returns. I shift uncomfortably in the bed looking over to Isabella seeing that she had fallen asleep. I let her sleep she needs it, to rest. She's going through hell right now. I stare at Alex for a while before he speaks up. 

"You hurt her really bad." Yea tell me something I don't know "I mean I've haven't seen her cry that much since her mom died. You're lucky she's giving you a second chance. She must really love you." 

"Yea, I- I know." I see a glint of sympathy in his stone-cold look. He looks like he needs a hug, I'm not a hugger and i don't know this kid but I stand up and hug him. He's a bit stiff in the beginning but he eventually hugs me back, I think I even felt him shed a few tears. when I pull away he wipes his face, so he was crying.

"you can always talk to me about her." I would like to talk to Alex about Isabella, he does know her better than anyone. I wonder how he's taking all of this; it must be hard; he has been her best friend since they were in kindergarten.  

"I'd like that." He seems broken, but like not like a broken toy that you just throw away, like a bird with a broken wing that you try and help and nurse back to good health. Maybe I can nurse him back to good health, it's a bit ironic if you think about it. A broken girl trying to help a broken boy, if I didn't know any better this was the perfect Rom-Com plot. 

When the silence sets in and we're just sitting on the bed that Alex claimed as his, I notice things I haven't noticed before, like the beeping of the heart monitor Isabella's hooked up to, or the fact the Isabellas gotten really thin, or that she looks like she already died. 

And then my worst nightmare happened, that heart monitor makes a long beeping sound and an automated voice starts repeating the words 'code blue'. Doctors began rushing into the room and ushering us out and waking Mr. rea to get him out to. We stand outside of the room each sobbing. Alex holds me as I hug him, both sobbing. 

A doctor steps out of the room and shakes his head telling us that she really was gone. I sob louder, getting a few stares but I could care less. The girl of my dreams is dead. The same girl I made fun of for never having had her first kiss. The same girl who I'd taken on a picnic in the woods where she demanded we dance in the rain. The same girl who I'd fought over not telling me how much time I had left with her. The same girl who told me that I would have to move on without her. My girl. 

And now she's gone. 

There is no possible way I can move on without her here with me. 

A/n I cried writing this

Please don't be mad at me this isn't that last chapter. 

how do you guys feel about a sequel about the aftermath of Isabelle's death?

NOT PROOF READ (i'm crying way to hard to proof read) 

1426 words 

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