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Continuation of- Don't You Remember


//1 Week Later//

||Peeta's POV||  

I'm still trying to contact Katniss. She is not answering and its driving me insane.

"Bruh just put the phone away and relax if she wants to talk to you she will call you" Finnick my BFF say as I try to call her again

"I can't I want her back bad " I take a sit on the couch

"I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but most girls don't wanna talk to the guy who cheated on them" he pops a sugarcube in his mouth

"Thank you Finnick nice to you I got you to state the obvious" I roll my eyes

"I got you homie" he pats my back

"I need a drink" I get up

"No what you need is a night out. Lets go I mean this is 12 the district know for the best and wildest parties ever" Finnick say

"Okay lets go" I grab my keys and we go to a club

//Peeta's POV//

After some time in the club I had about 5 drinks. I'm just sitting in the bar when someone crashes spilling their drink in my leather jacket. I look up and see

The Girl that attacked me a week ago.

Katniss friend

"Sorry dude" she says and then someone jumps on her back.


"Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo, JOHANNA" she yells

"WHAT?" this so called Jo yells at Katniss

"Dude take a chill pill there is a guy over there asking Anie for your phone number. Isn't that exciting?  Its exciting OMG you could finally get a boyfriend get married in a couple years and have kids I'm expecting a Brainless Junior named in honor of me cause you love me so much also did you know that Twister in the 1966 was actually considered sex in a box and each shake has its own personality some are social some are awkward some are weird. OMG what would happen if humans were able to fall in love with sharks Man ill love to meet my shark soulmate also did you know that they are so man-" Katniss talks non stop for about 5 minutes until Jo puts a hand in her mouth

"Katniss I think you had to much alcohol" Jo laughs

"I only had one cup" Katniss defends her self

"Then what's wrong with you?" Jo asks

"I is hyper" Katniss pointa to her sweater that says HYPER. I lick my lips as I remember all the intimate and exciting things we did when she was Hyper and we were alone.

"You should really go see Annie tho" Katniss tells her she nods and Jo leaves once she is out of sight Katniss sits next to me and orders a drink

"I changed my phone number if you want to know that's why I haven't answered you" she gulps down her drink

"Why?" I ask her

"I changed my phone company and they made me change it" she says

"Ahhh" is all I say


"I VOLUNTEER" someone screams next to me

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