Chapter 1

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Iwatodai. Home. The place I grew up, where the fondest memories of my life reside. The place where turbines touch the sky, while small shops and stores seem to recede into the humble ground. Yes, this was the place I had missed oh so much.

"What a city." I remark, as I peer outside the window. How long has it been? Only a couple months. But, away from Iwatodai, that was still far too long.

It's not that I minded my family in Inaba, really they were alright, even if mom's nonsense about "reconnecting with your roots" went in one ear and out the other. But the small town life just wasn't for me. No, it was good to be back in the big city, where I belonged.

As I got off the train I took in the atmosphere around me: Tired workers coming home after a day out of town, family men taking hold of their kids as they come from their business trip, lovers, embracing one another after time long separated....

But I didn't have any of these, no. Much as I might want them. The only person waiting for me was my best friend. Chihiro Fushimi.

"Scarlett!" she exclaimed, beginning to wave frantically only to catch herself. "You're back!"

The sight of Chihiro was the first sign that I was really back, as a wave of familiarity rushed over me with her arms. Still the same lean, nimble, docile figure. Still the same soft, inoffensive hug, as though any amount of pressure would be unseemly.

Of course in turn, I squeezed her tight, much to her embarrassment.Pulling back from the hug, I held her by her shoulders and looked into the eyes of that beet red face.

"Chihiro! I missed you!" I pulled her in once more, teasing at this point. Once I had my fun, I let go for good, allowing her to cool off.

"How've you been?" I ask, picking up my luggage and starting to walk. Having only just recovered from her catatonic state, she has to catch up, both to my question and to me.

"I-I've been good! Oh, and I, I missed you too..." she trailed off. "'ve you been?"

"Same old. The small town is as boring as ever." we move from the busy train station out into the equally busy streets of Iwatodai.

"Yeah..." she trails off once more. This happens, her struggling to think of something to say. You really need to carry the conversation yourself if you want to go anywhere with her.

"So, anything new in school?" I ask.

"Hmm? Oh, no. Like I told you on the phone, I'm student council treasurer now!" if there was one thing she had the remotest confidence in it was her position in the student council, I guess that's why they gave her the job.

"Yeah, I know that. But I meant, y'know, any boys?" I playfully flutter my eyelashes, this ought to be fun.

"H-huh?" she cries, flustered. This time not even caring about the heads turning our way, as we pass by the strip mall.

"You know, any crushes, anyone cute that's caught your eye?" I know the answer, of course. A resounding "no". Chihiro fears most boys like the plague. That is, if she's interested in them at all. But, I missed this. Some light teasing couldn't hurt right?

"U-Uhm, er, uh, I uh, I have to go!" Chihiro starts running, making it blocks ahead before turning to shout "I'll, I'll see you at school tomorrow!"

"Uh, yeah. See ya!" I try to respond, waving, but it's in the air if she notices before disappearing from view. Huh, odd. That's not what I was expecting. But, I guess I can't deny it was entertaining.

Satisfied, I continued on my way to the Iwatodai Dorm, the place I'd been staying throughout my time at Gekkoukan High School. Was in a shabby state last I left it, but I heard the Kirijo Group was pouring more money into it for whatever reason. I'm not complaining. A nicer dorm sounds perfect to me.

As I finally reached the dorm, I saw it had the same old facade outside. Figures, was the changes within I was excited for. I walk to the familiar door, excited to resume my learning in the big city. But first and foremost, excited to get some sleep in a nice, warm bed. But as I put my hand on the knob I noticed something. Sounds, no, screams from the other side of the door. An argument? Had to be. Fuck, well, I didn't want to make things awkward.

So I waited, hoping for a chance to make an entrance that didn't have daggers shot at me, but the moment never came. Jesus, whatever it was those two were fighting over in there, it was intense. I couldn't make out much of what was being said, but I think I pinned the voices. One feminine, mature, an adult if I had to guess. And the other, a man for sure, also mature, but, still juvenile. He must be a senior.

Suddenly, things seem to get deathly quiet on the other side. Finally! Christ, you think this bickering couple would take things somewhere more private, this is a public dorm here! I wait for the two to dissipate, don't want it to start again as soon as I enter. Sure enough, I start hearing footsteps. Issue is, they seem to be getting, louder? Oh yeah, the thuds of the man, getting louder and louder, coming straight for the door...

Shit, did they notice me eavesdropping? How? No, no, must just be a coincidence, just gotta play it cool. I take a few steps back. just to take them again as the door opens. I'll make it look like I just got here, they'll be none the wiser.

I focus completely on the door. Not moving a muscle until I see or hear something. Sure enough, I faintly hear the distinct clasp of leather on the copper knob. So I start my walk, only to be greeted by none other than the last person I expected to see. Akihiko Sanada.

"Oh, hey there." he says in a cool, calm voice, as though there wasn't a shouting contest going on but moments ago. His slim yet rugged frame leaning on that of the door.

"Hi!" I respond curtly, as I try to make my way inside. I don't have time for this. While I'm sure many would kill for the chance to talk with Akihiko, my priority is getting some shut-eye.

But Akihiko doesn't move. "Uhm, excuse me?"

"Sorry but, the dorm is closed to the public right now." he informs me as though this ought to be obvious.

"What?" my fake smile gives way to a real grimace. "Nobody told me about this! I just got back to Iwatodai, I need a place to sleep tonight!" I gesture to the luggage in my hand.

"I'm so sorry but, I can't let you in. If you talk to student services, I'm sure they can get you into a new dorm." As he responds, I look at my watch. 7:00 PM. Yeah, not gonna happen.

"It's already so late, please? Just one night, that's all I need." Alright, this was my last shot. Akihiko was known for his kindness, surely he'd make an exception? Besides, it was the truth.

He considers for a few moments, which gives me some hope. But it only takes a few more until he gives a definitive "No", closing the door in my face.

I stood there for a few seconds, stunned. What the hell just happened? Why is this massive dorm suddenly closed, and no one told me about it? Why was Akihiko fighting with some woman? And why was he being an asshole?

But none of those were the question I needed answered right now. That question was where the hell I was going to sleep. So, I took out my flip phone, and dreadfully rang up my only option.

"Chihiro?" I confirm as she picks up.

"S-Scarlett?" she meekly replies. "What is it? Why are you calling so late?"

"Can I come over for the night?"

Let's hope she got over my joke. 

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