Y/N with Ciel

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 It's been a while since Ciel's parents died and Sebastian was hired as his butler. I come over occasionally, but every time I do he seems cold and distracted. I understand that losing your parents is  traumatic and greatly affects you, but he's changed. And there's something weird about Sebastian too... I can't quite place it. He's been 'busy' lately, so I haven't been able to see him. Every time I try to come, he pushes me off. This time, I demanded to see him, so Sebastian scheduled a day.

            I walked into the Manor, and was immediately greeted by the staff. "Good morning, Miss (y/n)!"

            "Good morning." I smiled.

            "(Y/N)." I heard Ciel call from the stairs, eye patch in its familiar spot.

            "Ciel." I smiled and he forced a polite one onto his face. "Oh, stop that. If you don't want to smile, then don't." He seemed somewhat surprised by my reaction, but maintained his composure.

            "(Y/N), I can assure you that I want to smile." Ciel finally stood next to me and started to escort me upstairs and to his bedroom.

            "Ciel we've been friends our whole lives. I've known you longer than I've known anyone. Why are you being so stiff with me?" He was my best friend and it hurt me that he was treating me so coldly. He didn't have any sort of obligation to me and I wasn't a business partner, so why couldn't he just be himself? Even if he is sad or horrible angry, I just want to see Ciel.

            He brushed off my comment and continued going upstairs. I sighed and Mei Rin flashed me a thumbs up. Sebastian smiled and stood next to me. "Is there a problem, Miss (Y/N)?"

            "No, I'm fine. Thank you." I smiled faintly and continued up the stairs. Ciel had gone upstairs and was most likely waiting for me in his room, so I turned to Sebastian. "Sebastian?"

            "Yes, Miss (Y/N)?"

            "Why is Ciel acting so strange?"I wouldn't ask him this under any other circumstances, but I was worried.

            "Perhaps he had a bad cake. Come along, Miss (Y/N)."

            I walked with Sebastian to Ciel's room, where he sat, with tea, waiting. "Took you long enough." Ciel mumbled, then smiled some more. I sat and drank tea, making awkward conversation for about a half-an-hour before I saw the chess board.

            "Ciel, would you like to play chess?" I thought about our previous matched. He could get very heated. We've gotten hurt while playing. He was the only one that could match me, and I him.

            He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Are you sure?" I nodded. The last match we played resulted in a broken window, and my wrist getting sprained. I don't remember how, though.

            We walked over to the chess table and sat, setting up our pieces. I was always white. Sebastian began to play the violin, but Ciel stopped him. "That won't be necessary, Sebastian." He bowed and put the violin away. "Scared?" Ciel taunted.

            "I was about to ask the same thing." I smirked and made my first move, Ciel making his immediately afterward. It was dead silent in the room and Sebastian had, apparentally, left to take care of something.

            I had lost track of time, but at some point the sun started going down. We had both lost an equal amount of pieces, and things were about to go bad. I slowly moved forward, Ciel was inching forwards as well. "Check...mate." I smiled and Ciel looked flabbergasted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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