Chapter 2

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"It looks like the Union brats also had the same idea to improve their members' strength," Changhui said, "and no, we didn't follow you brats. Janghyeok-hyeongnim recommended going to Happy Farms."

"Are you talking about Janghyeok Woo?" Sparrow asked, "Because he's mine and Robin's stepfather. He's been dating our parents for the last three years. They would've been married by now if polygamy was legal in South Korea."

Robin quickly clarified with Donald that he didn't know that his stepfather had a connection to a rival gang since Janghyeok never talked much about his previous job.

"It must've been quite a long trip, so I'll show you guys to the barracks," Sparrow said, "We'll also swing by the raccoon housing to drop Grape off."

"Raccoon housing?" Jake asked, "There are raccoons here?"

"Yes, they help with farm work too," Sparrow answered, "and because Grape is pretty much a raccoon, he sleeps there."

Grape happily added, "I also won't be sleeping in the same building as Wolf. I'd be able to sleep without having to keep one eye open."

In response, Wolf grinned menacingly. "Are you sure?"

Grape squeaked in fear. Miles Moo protectively stood in front of his raccoon friend and growled at Wolf. He angrily stomped his hoof.

"The cow fucking growled," Myles deadpanned.

"Miles is very protective of his friends." Forrest patted his cow's head. "Good boy."

"Forrest also likes to sleep in the barn with Miles," Robin said, "so both he and Grape won't be joining us in the barracks."

Sparrow dropped Grape off at the raccoon housing, Forrest and Miles at the barn, and dropped everyone else off at the barracks. She told them that dinner would be served in an hour, so they had time to settle in. Robin would show them the way to the chow hall.

"I think we can both agree to come to a truce for the time being," Changhui told Donald.

"Fine," Donald reluctantly agreed. Even if Cheongang tried something, the Union both outnumbered and overpowered them.


Everyone jumped at the sudden yell. All eyes shifted towards Changhui, who was just as confused as everyone else. Robin seemed to be the only one who was unbothered.

"My stepdad named the barn cats," Robin explained, "and one of them is named Changhui Han. He really likes knives and steals them often. He's the cat with completely black fur."

"Oh my fucking god, Joowon are you stuck on the roof again? How the fuck did you even get up there!"

"Joowon Lee is the grey cat. He's a menace to society."

"Jaeryeong, are you seriously still trying to bite my feet?"

"Jaeryeong Lee is a month younger than the rest of the cats," Robin said, "and he loves to attack people's feet. He shouldn't be able to hurt you guys since you'll be wearing thick boots that his claws and fangs can't sink into. He's the black and white cat."

"Why can't you all be well-behaved liked Gijoo? Wait, where is Gijoo? Oh god, did he disappear! NO! Cheongang can't lose another member! We already lost Doyoon!"

"We used to have a cat named Doyoon Kim, but he got sick and died when he was only a few weeks old," Robin sadly said, "Gijoo is the mostly black cat but with a white patch on his chest. He's the calmest out of all the cats."

"Oh wait, nevermind. Gijoo was just too quiet and standing right in my shadow, so I didn't see him. Phew, Gijoo's alive everyone! Wait, no! Changhui, I said to put down the knife!"

"I can't believe that the cat version of me died but not the cat version of Jaeryeong!" Doyoon was jealous.

~🐮Happy Farms🐮~

Once everyone had finished unpacking their things into their lockers, Robin brought them mover to the chow hall. Grape, Forrest, and Miles were already there and in line. Dinner was hamburgers, salad, corn, bread with butter, grilled potatoes, and grapes. Grape was given an extra large serving of grapes, and Miles was given a bucket of cattle feed.

There were also a bunch of raccoons sitting at a table. Everyone grabbed their food and sat down. Jake casually chatted with his friends, despite the awkward atmosphere. Forrest was also happily talking with Robin, Grape, and Miles.

"And that's why Miles Moo is a million times better than Myles Joo," Forrest said, "No, he's a billion times better than Myles. Who needs a boyfriend when you got a pet cow?"

"Forrest, we're literally dating," Robin said.

"Aren't we eating Miles' friends right in front of him?" Jimmy asked.

"Moo," Miles mooed. "Moo. Moo, moo moo."

"He says that he's not too attached to the other cows and just does his responsibility as herd leader," Forrest translated. "Only certain animals on the farm are his actual friends."

A loud cat cry drew everyone's attention. 

"Joowon Lee, stop hitting the baby!" Janghyeok Woo, who had just entered the chow hall, scolded the grey cat who had bonked the youngest cat on the head.

"Janghyeok-hyeongnim!" Joowon ran up to him and bowed respectfully.

"Long time no see, Joowon," Janghyeok greeted, "How have you been?"


Janghyeok looked back down at the cats. "Joowon, I said to leave Jaeryeong alone!"

Cat Joowon acted as if he hadn't done anything wrong. Cat Gijoo comforted Cat Jaeryeong. Cat Changhui was lying down in his food tray.

"Changhui," Janghyeok said, "what have I told you about lying down in your food?"

Cat Changhui smirked and purred as he ate while still lying down in his kibble.

"Janghyeok-hyeongnim?" The rest of Cheongang walked over to greet the former leader. "It's good to see you again, sir."

"I hope you guys are able to get stronger. It'll be a lot of hard work here on Happy Farms."

Cat Gijoo tackled Cat Joowon when Cat Joowon tried to hit Cat Jaeryeong again.

"Joowon, I told you not to hit the baby." Janghyeok shook his head at the grey cat's behavior. "You know Gijoo is protective of Jaeryeong, so of course he'd hit you if you tried hitting Jae again."

"You named your cats after Cheongang?"

"Yeah, I kinda missed you guys," Janghyeok admitted, "and Cat Changhui really reminds me of Human Changhui since he likes knives."

"Gijoo is a good cat." Gijoo petted the cat named after himself. "He's doing a good job protecting Cat Jaeryeong."

"Gijoo, you don't really protect Jaeryeong either," Doyoon said, "You just stood by when Changhui threw a glass at him. You didn't even speak up when I hit Jaeryeong."

"At least I treat Jaeryeong and the Action Squad better than any of you guys treat them." Gijoo childishly stuck his tongue out at his rival. 

"Did you notice that Jaeryeong's not with us right now?"

Gijoo panickily searched the chow hall, and he found Jaeryeong still sitting at their table. "Why didn't you come with us to greet Janghyeok-hyeongnim?"

"I wanted to but," Jaeryeong motioned to the chicken sitting on his lap. "this chicken won't get off of me."

"I can solve that problem." Wolf held up his knife and fork.

Miles Moo tackled Wolf and caused Wolf's face to hit the table. "MOO!"

"That chicken's one of Miles' friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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