~QnA 19~

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Question?: just have to move on from those kinda of feelings

Edd: Mmm Tord knows I like Tom still he could just tell him then Tom will hate me!!....wait other me said Matt and I started dating...and Matt dated Tord not that he well I dated Tom...But I already broke up with Matt

Tom: Hey Edd

Edd: Oh hi!-Tom why isn't Tord with you?....

Tom: He went to cheer up Matt you broke his heart you know -drinks Smirnoff-

Edd: Yeah I-Hey stop drinking!!

Tom: Pfft! no I only listen to my Husband and you aren't him!

Edd: Omg Tom! -Pulls Tom down-

Tom: Edd what the fuck are yo-

Edd: -Kisses Tom-

Tom: ! -pushes Edd- Edd wtf im with Tord!!And you just broke up with Matt.I don't want to be a cheater!!

Edd: I-I'm sorry I didn't know what I was doing!!

Tord: What's going on?

Tom and Edd: -looks at each other then back at Tord- ....

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