Wedding Bells

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3 years later...

"Look at you so pretty" Mora mom spoke handing her the bouquet

"Daddy baby all grown up" Mora dad co-signed with a tear falling down

"Daddy, Ik yo big ass is not crying" Mira said making everyone in the room laugh

It was Mora and Kaydens wedding day finally after 3 and a half years of engagement the time was right

They were in a great place financially, mentally and physically. Mora was know working with NBA teams as a physical therapist and more. Kayden on the other hand took Key up on he offer and they now ran one of the best restaurants in Atlanta.

Bird was now playing for the Hawks while Marion was requesting a switch to play for them as well not wanting to be far from his friends and family

Plus her boys and her sister were old enough to be the ring bears and flower girl

Walking Kamora down the isle was her little brother and dad while holding a picture of Antonio

Jaylan one of her college friend was her maid of honor while key was a braids-made

Of course Amarion was Kaydens best man seeing as his that really was his best friend despite it all and after getting out the hood they're relationship got better mainly because their were kids involved but they wouldn't change anything

"Alright I'm ready" mora said so her dad went to make sure everyone was in they're places
"Now we will have the vows" the pastor spoke

Kayden felt it was his place to go first so he took out his paper about to read from it but then balled it up

"I had as speech wrote out but I feel that you don't deserve something that I had to thing on. You deserve for everything I have to say to be directly from the heart" he spoke pausing and clearing his throat

"Kamora, you came to me in a deep time of Darkness and pain. My mom had past exactly a year from the day we met. In a way I feel that it was her doing bringing us together as a family. I knew we were meant to be when we almost gave up and life was hell without one another. Your my best friend the mother of my kids and the love of my life. You help me find my way back into the things I love doing most and brought were the light that pathed a way for me." He started to tear up as he looked her in the eyes

"After all you went through somehow you still managed to stay a good person with a good heart. I love you, I love our family, and I love the life we've created. Today I bow to not only take care of you, but to cherish you and treat as the the queen that you are. Help you find your light through your darkness. Make you laugh when you cry and help you find the things you love most in the world. Always and forever" he finished

His speech had everyone in tears or almost in tears

"How am I supposed to compete with that?" She questioned as he wiped her her tears

"Kayden, my angel. You just don't know how you came in a time of need. Between finding out about my biological father, stressing over school and being hurt by one of my good friends. Somehow when I was with you I felt alive everything went from gray to colorful. You were there when I needed you most and don't completely give up when things got hard. No offense" she look over at Amarion and he nodded as the crowd laughed

"Together we created life, but we also made each others better. I wouldn't want to be standing here with any other person today, your who I admire in so many ways. You pushed through more than anybody I've ever met. You've been strong for the both of us when I couldn't be, you picked up the slack when I couldn't perform. You held it down and sometimes in the worst way. But all in all you never stopped loving me. So I love you and I'll never stop. Today I vow to forever be the lover you deserve and your partner in crime" he smiled

They had a moment where they just looked into each others eyes zooming everyone out

"The rings please" the pastor

Ty'Jay and Mar'Jay hand Kayden and Kamora the rings

"Thank you bubbas" Mora said giving them both a kiss while Kayden high five them

"Kayden do you take Kamora to be your lawfully wedded wife, through thick and thin, rich or for poor, from this day forward, as both of you shall both live?" The pastor spoke

"I do" he placed the ring on my hand

"Kamora do you take Kayden to be your lawfully wedded husband, though thick and thing, rich or for poor, from this day forward, as both of you shall live"

"I do" she placed the ring on his finger

"By the power vested in me and the almighty father above I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride" the pastor saying

They shared a kiss before walking out and to take pictures before the reception

By the end of the night there were so many laughs and memories brought up it had them reminiscing on the old times and how they got here

Mr. And Mrs. Owens

Nice time jump?

What we think about they speeches?

Will they actually lasts?

Loving Kamora🫶🏾💜Where stories live. Discover now