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I could remember how we would sit on the roof of my house and watch the sun as it set over the horizon, long past when we were supposed to be in bed. I could remember watching the stars as they came out. I could remember running with the elephants and the antelope through the dried grasses of the savannah. 

And I could remember the day I left. I could remember the tears burning my eyes, and the feeling of my heart throbbing in my chest as we said goodbye. I could remember the way that you told me that you would wait for me to return. And I remember the bracelet you gave me. A simple braided bracelet, with two strands of beads, one which spelt my name, the other which spelt yours. 

I never wanted to leave. I hope you know that. I never wanted to leave you for a place I didn't know. I wanted to stay with you. I wanted to stay with our little village. So forgive me. Please forgive me, and be my friend again, ten years later.

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