Chapter 4-It happens again

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The following year was Susan's fifteenth birthday and she had never been so scared of starting in a new class as she felt now. This year would be different and Susan knew it she was getting closer to becoming a werewolf. Susan's new teacher was Mr Barratt, he was a tall dark haired bloke with ripped jeans and a big smile, but he was really strict. One of Susan's closest friend had move away and she was stuck in a class with people she didn't know and to make it worse she was starting to show differences.

Half way through second term this guy walked in and sat next to her and said hello my name is Tyler. The very next day their English teacher gave them an assignment and told them to get into pairs to work through that assignment and present it to the class the following Monday. Susan and Tyler paired together and began work on writing their short story when all of a sudden a feeling of love and safety shot through her. Susan and Tyler started talking and soon ended up at the school's library talking about their story which was slowly turning into a romance story with them as the characters.

After reading their story to the class they when to the school cafeteria for lunch, where they started to ask each other questions. Tyler first asked her, "What is your biggest secret?"

"Um... My biggest secret is.......... Singing." replied Susan.

"It's your turn to answer a question. What is your nicest thought?" asked Susan.

"Um... My nicest thought is never wanting to see you with a broken heart." replied Tyler turning a light shade of red.

After getting this answer from Tyler an embarrassed Susan made an excuse to leave and go home, saying that she had to go because her Dad needed her help with cooking while her Mum was sick.

The following day

The next day at school the pair were asked to read their story out at the school assembly, this assembly was opened for parents to attend. Susan and Tyler were called to the front of the room and then Susan started to pick up on Tyler's nerves. Her father who was sitting toward the back of the school gym noticed her facial expression and sent a message through the werewolf part of him to her telling her not to worry about Tyler because he will be alright.

The pair finished reading their story and the principal handed them each an award these awards saidcongratulations to our up and coming authors. This was the start of a relationship between Susan and Tyler.

The following weeks

In the following week the pair went on a school camping trip, were they were split into groups to complete a race course through the forest and the winning group got treated to a full day off work, (had slaves to do everything for them). Susan and Tyler were appointed captains of their group and Susan led them through the forest like it was the back of her hand. Susan and Tyler's group was the first back winning the full day off work, but it was nearly 10pm and the other group was not back and their teachers were very worried. It was now nine month till Susan's sixteenth birthday and she was starting to feel the worry and pain of one of her class members who had fallen over and injured herself. Susan's teacher called the search and rescue team as well as some parents that lived nearby to come and assist in the search for the missing team. Susan's Dad was one of the parents called and of course he found the missing team and the injured girl.

The injured girl had a broken leg and had a few cuts but she made a full recovery, the following year when the teachers took them on a similar trip they gave each group a two way walkie talkie, so that if anything was to go wrong all the groups would be able to call for help.

Nothing really happened between Susan and Tyler because Tyler knew he was leaving and he couldn't break her heart after talking to her and telling her that his nicest thought was never seeing or leaving her with a broken heart. They did however stay friends, by talking to each other on the phone and by sending each other letters but the day Tyler said goodbye was the day her heart was broken again.

Were Susan's feelings of safety and love around Tyler a curse or a gift?

You tell me!!!!!!!!!

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