Alcina Radner

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So Alcina Radner was born and raised in California and always wanted to be a musician she plays the electric guitar and sings but isn't a singer but she can sing. She always admired people who acted, sang,danced and always liked dressing up nicely. She presented herself very well and is very social and comedic, she was with her boyfriend at the time when she auditioned for a role in Jessie for the role of Emma but since she wasn't what they were looking for she played as and extra on set then managed to land a role in Bunk'd and once the show ended she tried out for other parts and played in other comedy shows and managed to land small parts in more mature shows but only as an extra with one or two lines. When umbrella academy came out she auditioned for Caroline and wound up getting the part and was thrilled. Her boyfriend would always stay real close to her though which made her uncomfortable since he was a little abusive to her physically. When they started filming she got to know the cast and really hit it off with everyone but everyone started to be sceptical when her boyfriend was there and constantly keeping and eye on Alcina like a security camera, the cast would still goof off and she'd still have fun, she never wanted to leave, when she would get home after work her boyfriend would shove her around and go through her messages and smack her in the face which she hated and she would hit back sometimes but she hated it. When they were filming one night and taking a break her boyfriend walked to where he thought no one would hear him or her and started pushing her around and saying things, Aidan and Robert over heard and went to where Alcina and her boyfriend were and confronted him, Aidan started to tell him off while Robert checked to see if she was ok and the two got her away from him and she opened up about their relationship and what was really going on, the others were shocked since she always was so happy and never let it bother her and a few months after Alcina and Aidan were officially dating and confirmed this in a later interview about the show and where things were going with the cast. They began filming season three and a little after they were done Alcina was pregnant with Aidan's kids and again announced this in a later interview and everyone was shocked at the news, even the rest of the cast was shocked since they noticed she was gaining weight but couldn't figure out why since her metabolism is really fast, they now are happily engaged and about to have their four kids who also will play a part on the show since it adds to how they moved on after the apocalypse and is fitting for their characters in the show. For now thanks for reading.

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