Chapter 2 Shoping for school clothing

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"Mom let's go see the dresses so u can buy me one"said Michelle. "Ok let's go"said Michelle mom.[the first pic is the dress that Michelle picked out] "Mom lets go to JC Penni for more clothes"said Michelle.They whent inside the store and Michelle started to go look at the peers clothes. "Mom I found Blake jeens,white short,cute boots,and a neckless"said Michelle "Take them they are cute"said Michelle mom they payed and whent to Hollister. "Mom look at this cloth I am taking this and this and that And so on" said Michelle.Me and my mom whent to a lot of places for my clothing for school. Then my mom asked if I whanted Starbucks and I orders vanilla beanie with extra cerimal my mom did to. Then we whent to go so my mom can buy me my phone I was still thinking what to get,but I had in mind was an IPhone 4. "which phone do u want Michelle?"Michelle's mom asked "I don't know I want to look at them mom first and than I will tell u ok mom"Michelle said to her mom. "Mom I want an iPhone 5s"said Michelle "ok"said Michelle mom.We have been there for hours my mom and to fill out papers.I picked the color selver we when to go buy a case.Then we whent home and it was late and I whent to put my pjs on and brush my teeth and go to sleep.

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