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Saturday came around faster then kai and taehyun thought. They spent Friday night cuddled up in bed watching some show on Netflix, the two really weren't paying attention since they were so focused on cuddling.

The morning was a normal morning for the two, they would wake up and eat cereal in silence since the both of them were usually still half asleep while eating.

By the time they'd finish eating one of the two were fully awake and would annoy the other till they were fully awake. Then they'd fight over who can use the bathroom first, taehyun usually always goes first. Then they'd usually play a few games together till they got hungry again and taehyun would usually cook something that kai would adore.

Usually on Mondays they would go to school then hang out after.. But today was different for the two

It was currently noon and kai and taehyun were by taehyuns computer as they waited for soobin to answer the video call.

Taehyun looked up at Kai and smirked "I'm gonna say something dumb when he answers" Taehyun said with a small giggle. Kai broke out into a smile and they both started giggling together.

Their giggling was cut short when the ping sound of taehyuns call going through.

Like clock work the two stopped giggling and taehyun looked at his laptop "Why'd you have to video call at this time, I was busy with my po—" before Taehyun could even get out the nonsense he was saying, soobin cut him off

"Don't even finish that sentence Taehyun!" Soobin said while waving his hand around. Taehyun rolled his eyes, he missed soobin. But he wasn't gonna admit that. "Pussy" Taehyun mumbled as Kai walked up behind taehyun.

"We usually call, why'd you video call?" Kai asked as he rested his hands on Taehyuns shoulders. Soobin smiled "To met my new friend"

Just the thought of Soobins new friend made Taehyun jump up "You're replacing us huh!?" Taehyun yelled as he got close to the camera.

"Move!" Kai said as he pushed Taehyun out of the way and put his face close to the camera with a serious face. "Lemme see his ass!" Kai said making Soobin laugh. Soobin reached over and pulled his new friend into the camera frame.

"I bet he isn't as handsome as me— holy shit!" Kai said as soobin pulled his friend into the camera. The first thing kai saw.. Was the most Beautifuist guy hes ever laid his eyes on.

"That is a man of beauty" Kai said with a shy smile, he felt his cheeks heat up as he let each feature of his face soak into Kai's mind. He was absolutely stunning, his black fluffy hair, his eyes, his nose, his face, his everything.. Absolutely beautiful.

Kai was pulled out of his head when Taehyun suddenly shoved him to the side "Lemme see!" Taehyun said as he looked into the camera.

Taehyun felt his eyes and face go soft. He was stunned at first, Kai definitely wasn't lying... But why did his heart feel like this.. The only person to ever make his heart feel this way was Kai.. It's always only be Kai that made his heart feel like this.. But Soobins new friend.. There was something about him.. And taehyun liked him. But he wasn't gonna let that be known.

"That right there is a sugar daddy" Taehyun said with a wink

Oh god, Taehyuns getting nervous, he meant to hate soobins new friend yet here he is talking up a storm, now his mouth won't stop moving. Something is clearly wrong with him.

"Have you ever had a sugar baby before?" Taehyun asked and acted if he chewed on gum. Before Soobins friend could even answer, Kai spoke.
"How can you even be sure if he's rich?" Kai asked with a confused look. Taehyun scoffed "I can smell it through the computer" Taehyun said as he smelled the air. "Smells like rich tings" Taehyun said with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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