IV. a devil's bargain

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Melinda let out a sigh of relief as she opened the door to her hotel room. The singing gig had drained her socially, and all she wanted was to take a warm bath and retreat into the silence of her room. As she approached her bed, she noticed a package on the nightstand.

The small cardboard box was wrapped in brown paper and tied with a string, and Melinda's heart fluttered with excitement as she picked it up and untied it. Inside, she found an elegant note with cursive handwriting.

"Ms. Deveraux,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. It would be my great pleasure to extend an invitation for dinner with me at the esteemed Room 78, at 9pm, to discuss further our potential partnership. It would be an occasion of utmost importance to me and I hope to you as well.

In light of the occasion, I have taken the liberty of selecting a gown and accompanying jewelry for you to wear. I trust that you will find them to your liking and I eagerly anticipate the sight of you in them. Please do not concern yourself with the specifics, as the staff of the hotel has been briefed to deliver the box directly to your room. May I remind you that this is strictly business and a formal affair and I implore you to dress accordingly.

I shall eagerly await your response.

Yours trully,

J. P. March"

Melinda opened the box eagerly, her eyes shinning in awe as she gazed at the dress inside. It was a beautiful, flowing gown made of delicate white chiffon, adorned with intricate gold embroidery on the bodice and hem. The long, sheer sleeves were adorned with golden feathers at the cuffs, and the back was open, revealing just enough skin to be alluring yet elegant. Melinda couldn't help but admire the dress, although she felt a bit uneasy as the man seemed to know her last name.

As Melinda continued to examine the contents of the box, she discovered a pair of matching golden earrings and a delicate gold bracelet, both sparkling with small diamonds. The jewelry was simple yet elegant, and it perfectly complemented the dress.

After taking a bath, Melinda sat at the vanity in her hotel room, staring at the beautiful gown laid out before her. She couldn't help but feel grateful for Mr. March's thoughtfulness, as the dress was simply breathtaking. She slipped it on and it flowed perfectly around her, the feathered details gliding along her skin as she moved.

The gold jewelry Mr. March had included only added to the elegance of the dress. The simple yet stunning necklace, earrings, and bracelet caught the light and sparkled, accentuating Melinda's natural beauty. She felt like a goddess - well, she was - as she applied her makeup, making sure to highlight her features just enough to complement the dress and jewelry.

With one last glance in the mirror, Melinda took a deep breath and headed towards Room 78. She felt a sense of excitement and anticipation, wondering what the evening had in store for her. She couldn't wait to find out more about the partnership.

Melinda arrived at the 7th floor precisely at 9 pm, where Mr. March was already waiting for her. The room was dimly lit, but candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow over the space. Mr. March stood up as she entered, a charming smile spreading across his face. He complimented her on her attire and jewelry, and she thanked him, feeling a bit flustered but trying her best to maintain her composure.

The dinner was exceptional, with the chef exhibiting their culinary expertise by serving a variety of dishes that pleased both Melinda and Mr. March. Melinda found him to be intelligent, sharp, and charming, and she appreciated the way he expressed his thoughts. They discussed music and their mutual passion for it, and Melinda was pleasantly surprised by Mr. March's depth of knowledge on the subject. He even offered to introduce her to influential people in the industry who could help her career.

Queen of My Pitiful Soul - James Patrick March | EN-USOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora