Operation: SingToBribeTeamCrafted, Go!

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Red: Oh! I got it!

Blue: What?

Red: Maybe we sing to bribe them?

Bella: *barges blah* Can I join?

Green: It's set! Operation: SingToBribeTeamCrafted, Go! (best operation ever)

*blah blah magical ewwiness blah*

Blue: *claps*

(Bella does the rap, Green is main on the first part of the song and Blue is main on the second part)

TC: *looks for voices* *finds the voices*

Rainbow sisters and Bella: *goes home*

TC: (idek) *follows them home* (we're like, sirens or somethin' -Bria)

Bella: *once TC get in they scare the living poop atta' them)

TC: Da hell!?

Blue: Sorry! I watched smile hd today!

Ty: Who are you?

Red: Duh! The girls from before!

Adam: So you planed this whole thing?

Violet: Yuppie!

Ian: Wait, what are your names?

Red: My names Rose but you can call me Red!

Orange: Mine is Olivia but it's too much like OliviaLovesSnow so call me Orange!

Yellow: Mine's Yvonne but call me Yellow!

Green: My name is Gabriella but Green suits the Rainbow sisters more.

Blue: My name's Bria but call me-

Ty: Blue?

Blue: *slaps Ty* Blue! Ya happy now!?

Indigo: She's Passive-Aggressive. Iris. But call me Indigo 'cause Bella's Cousin's chicken in Minecraft is called Iris.

Violet: I'm Violet!

Bella: My name's Bella! I'm their next door neighbor! Also their house babysitter. Oh! Hi Ty! Hi Adam! Hi Merome!

Merome: We are not Merome!

Bella: But you did make out in my closet.

Mitch: I dun wanna talk about it.

Bella: Bye Little Clouds!

Rainbow sisters: That's our outro

Bella: Do I care?

Blue: Bye!

Truth or Dare with TC And Some Girls of our choiceWhere stories live. Discover now