Chapter 2

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Jack gasped and jumped in surprise, staring in horror at his own shadow. He spun around wildly, searching the area for the dark mysterious man. He knitted his brows, suddenly noticing how dark it was.

He couldn't see the pond. It seemed like he was in a dark cave… but there weren't any walls. A confused frown crawled across his face. This was not the pond anymore. He took a step.


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Jack screamed, feeling his stomach in his throat as he plummeted through the air. His hands flailed around as his staff slipped from his grasp.


"Ah!" Jack grunted, landing flat on his back.

He grunted again when his staff landed on his stomach. He sat up, moaning, slipping his staff to the ground as he did so. He rubbed the back of his head, feeling the large bump that was forming. The white-haired boy glanced up in the faint light, trying to find the hole he'd fallen through.


Jack's staff was suddenly grabbed and jerked into the shadows, causing him to yell in pain as his arm was nearly yanked out of its socket. With lighting speed the wooden staff was gone.

"NO!" he shouted, scrambling after the piece of wood.

It was too late. The staff had melted away into the darkness. Jack stopped crawling, not wanting to leave the circle of faint light. The safety zone was maybe 10 feet in diameter, a perfect circle that showed the ground's brown color.

Jack rose to his feet, staring into the blackness that had taken his staff away. Something stirred behind him, making him turn around. His eyebrows furrowed again as he tried to see into the darkness. Something was there, Jack knew. Warning signals were blaring in his head.

Those warning signals were answered when something big moved behind Jack.

Jack drew a quick breath and spun around, suddenly feeling extremely naked without his staff. He spun his head around like a periscope searching for danger. He felt his heartbeat quicken.

Another movement to his left made his heart beat so hard in his chest that he thought for sure whoever was in the darkness could hear it. He took a deep breath to calm himself, trying to convince his mind that this was all a dream.


Jack whirled around, almost gasping for breath. He was terrified into silence as he stared into the wall of blackness. A low growl filled the air that was so powerful that it seemed to shake the floor. He boy made his hands into tight fists. He didn't know where the sound was coming from. He was completely defenseless.

Suddenly, the growling stopped.


"Huh?" Jack asked as he turned around.

He almost laughed out loud at what he saw. A kitten, no bigger than a small pitcher, sat at the center of the brown circle. It cocked its head at Jack, curious of him. Jack smiled at it, taking a few steps forward.

"Awe, hey," he said, squatting down to pet the feline. "Were you the one who was scaring me?"

He chuckled as the young silver-colored cat began to purr under his hand. Its blue eyes closed as it leaned into his palm. Jack stopped scratching the cat's neck and picked it up.

"You're pretty cute," he said. He lifted the animal up to his face. "You know, you remind me of a-SNOW LEAPORD!"

He shouted the last couple words as the kitten morphed into its true form. Its claws, once so dainty and feeble, became thick, deadly weapons. Its teeth became dagger-like and snapped in its jaws. Its body almost split open as hard muscle grew on its body. Its blue eyes, once so innocent and sweet, were now dark and cold.

Jack dropped the cat as it began to transform, jumping back in surprise. He breathed heavily once more as his feet slid backward in the dirt, his eyes not leaving the big cat when it finally came into its true form.

The snow leopard's tail twitched eagerly as it crouched know to the ground, ready to pounce. The same low growl Jack had heard earlier rumbled from deep in its throat. Its eyes never left Jack's as it waited for the spirit to slip up.

Jack didn't notice just how close he was to the edge of the circle of light. He was too terrified for his life as he stepped farther and farther away from the predator. He stepped backwards, suddenly seeing in his peripheral vision how close the darkness was. At the same time his heel felt something like the edge of a cliff. He glanced down.

Hey sorry about the wait.

Anyways, here is Part 2.

Please read, rate, and review!


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