Part 1) The money speaks for itself

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  You wake up groggy from your long nap and irritated that nobody woke you before the ceremony.  You stretch your legs, and you hear your neck crack as you twist side to side.

  "They forgot about me! I'm one of the best hired blades here!!? Goodness, that irritates me!!"

  You stand up and begin searching for your clothes, still slightly groggy, and you wipe your eyes as the sunbeam blinds them. Sure, you live in a small place on the palace attic, but it is the only home you know. You slap on your clothes and put on your light makeup, and brush your hair.

"I just hope they save me some good wine and food, im starving!" You say grabbing your wallet and crawling through the small crawlspace.

  You hear faint talking as you run and jump through the halls, practicing your stamina and leg strength.  You do it all the time it's one of your favorite things to do. Running, jumping, hiding, crawling, and of course if need be taking someone out for a good few shills.

  You aren't cold-hearted, but you do take your job seriously.  So you sprint on through the halls and reach the ceremony dining area. The beautiful walls covered in gold outlines with paintings stretching the walls. You always end up staring at them with awe. You look around swiftly, trying to find the other 2 hired assassins, pushing around people who all chat gleefully. You then turn and see them at the back wall with one of Emily's best body guards. You walk over to them and sigh.

  "You two forgot to wake me up! I was almost late!" You angrily sigh and shake your head.

  The tall man with black long hair and a scar on his neck giggled and said "Actually I tried to wake you, but you rolled over and kept mumbling to go away. So I tried again only for you to promptly tell me to fuck off. I tried to wake you up, but you're very stubborn, you know!?"

  You hazily remember a voice telling you to get up, but for some reason, it didn't feel real at the time. The dream you were having felt weird, and somehow, you couldn't remember it.

  "Ohhh, that was you? Oh, that makes sense....sorry, vick, I didn't realize.. .the dream I was having was so strong, but strangely, I can't remember it...I just feel weird when I try to, and I know it was strange."

  "It's ok, you did seem out of it....come to think of it, I can't remember my dream either....but I don't believe mine was weird." Vick says, laying back against the wall lightly tugging on his black hoodie.

  "I don't think I have dreams at all," says the dirty blonde with blue eyes, aka Mr. Martin.

  You yawn still trying to get yourself fully awake, then you hear "ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the ceremony!" "Please turn your attention to me, "

  " The whole ceremony dining room goes silent and turns to look at Emily's speaker.

  That's when they both walk in Emily and corvo attano. They smile and wave at everyone as they walk in, and the onlookers smile and wave. You always admired Corvo and Emily from when you learned about them while reading in the slums. Never did you imagine you would end up serving them as a personal assassin.

  "It is time for us to all feast and get together to celebrate our recent victory against delilah," Emily announces happily.

  Everyone is cheering at her with excitement.  No more murders in the streets and no more hangings. Nobody else had to die, and so everyone felt relieved that things in dunwall would at least start going back to normal.

  "Now servents bring out the trays!" Says Emily

  You see the 2 side doors open and a dozen butlers come trotting out with trays of foods and liquids happily placing them on the tables around. They bow when finished and stand aside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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