Chapter One: Partial Truths:

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Smalls' POV:

"What's yer name, kid?" The older looking of the two asked. 

I stood there frozen, brown eyes wide as I tried not to shake, holding little SeraMay close on my hip; Romeo sitting beside us, his chocolate eyes watching every move the men made. 

"Where's yer folks?" The younger one asked softly, concerned, lowering his crossbow.

My eyes filled with tears and I shook my head angrily. Don't send me back. Please don't. I've been running for three days. I don't wanna go back. Please-

"Damn kids folks probably got ate up by them geeks, brotha," The older one grumbled gruffly to the younger one, who apparently is his brother. 

I didn't really acknowledge them for a bit while they talked to each other. I stuck my hatchet back into my belt loop since we were stuck waiting for the men to get done talking. A hatchet wasn't gonna do me no good against them anyways. 

I swayed side to side with SeraMay on my hip as I tried to keep her calm, running my free hand through her messy red hair while her brown eyes absorbed everything around us. 


Merle's POV: 

We had been out hunting since yesterday morning. It was now nearing noon of the second day and we were thinking of turning back and just getting more squirrels and rabbits on the walk back. 

Daryl froze and motioned ahead of us to the right. There was rustling and twigs snapping. A couple somethings was coming our way fast. 

I raised my rifle and Daryl raised his crossbow. And we both stood in shock when a little boy in overhauls, a long-sleeved green shirt, and yellow mud clomping boots, came out of the trees with a small red haired girl in one arm and a hatchet in the other hand, a black dog running alongside them. 

They skidded to a halt when they saw us. I lowered my rifle, "What's yer name, kid?"

The kid seemed to not like that question as his eyes widened and he bit his lip.

"Where's yer folks?" Daryl asked, finally lowering his bow. 

The boy started shaking his head and panicking, holding the toddler in the frily pink dress closer to him.

"Damn kids folks probably got ate up by them geeks, brotha," I grumbled to Daryl. 

The kid calmed a bit while Daryl and I talked. We decided to end our hunting trip like we had been discussing earlier and bring the kids back to camp. 

Both kids looked like they hadn't been home for a couple days. The boy's rusty red-brown colored hair was cut off at his ears horribly like he did it himself and the little girl's bright red hair was going every direction but down. 

"They probably need food an' water asap," Daryl said after scanning the kids over real quick.

"Yeah, they look like shit."

Daryl glared but didn't say nothin' to me. 

"Hey, kid," Daryl said gently to the boy, who hesitantly looked up at him, "We got a camp about a day's walk from here. We can get ye some food an water. How's that sound?"

The boy bit his lip in thought but then the little girl started babbling and seemed to change his mind. 

"PBJ? PBJ?" The girl questioned excitedly. 

"I'm sure we can find ye some, kiddo." I chuckled. 

"Yeah, we can get ye some PBJ," Daryl spoke kindly. 

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