Present Day - Part 9

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CHAPTER 36 - Small Town Lake

After having ridden for some time, Tyson finally stops the scooter at the edge of some trees. He and Diana get off, and they continue walking through the trees and stop at a clearing, overlooking a crystal clear lake. Diana is transfixed by the scene in front of her.

Tyson takes off his jacket and places it on the ground for Diana to sit. "Here have a seat," Tyson informs Diana. 

"Hold on for a moment," Diana says. She retrieves a large blanket from her tote bag and spreads it out. Tyson is amused. "Are you always this prepared?" he quips.

"Not always," she responds back. The mood dampens a bit before Diana changes the subject. "So, how do you know Mama Luna and Uncle Rio?"

Tyson takes a moment to gather his thoughts, before he replies, "After I got expelled, I wandered around aimlessly. I met the both of them when they went to China for a brief holiday. They invited me to work for them at the restaurant. In the end, I stayed with them for 4 years. It's funny how they treat me more like family than my own parents who disowned me. After 4 years, I decided to leave and start a life of my own. And now here we are, sitting in front of this beautiful view.... What about you?"

"Nothing much has changed. I am still a teacher, so you better not forget that," Diana putting on her teacher's voice at the end of her response.  

Tyson laughs, before encouraging her to continue her story. 

"That's about it, really. Pretty boring stuff. Not much exciting has happened to her, well, except for this trip, which I still can't recall ever entering."

"Maybe it was all fated. Maybe the contest is somehow a blessing and you should just enjoy it. And on that note......" Tyson whips off his shirt, shucks off his pants and plunges into the lake, letting out a Whoop! along the way. Diana is on her feet, looking over the calm surface of the water as it has been some time that Tyson has been underwater.

Tyson pops back up from the water, not too far from the shore. "Come on, jump in. The water is perfect." 

Diana is hesitant.

"Don't make me come out there and carry you in, because I most definitely will," Tyson threatens.  

The threat works. "Fine, but turn around and don't look," Diana adds.  

Tyson obliges and Diana quickly undresses. She dives into the pool. She sputters from the cold. Tyson swims towards her and splashes water at her.

A water fight soon ensues, with the both of them laughing. Somehow, their fight brings them physically closer, for everything becomes silent as they look at each other and they KISS! 

Back on land:

Tyson and Diana are lying on the blanket, drying out from their dip in the pool. Diana is lying on Tyson's shoulder, but she soon sits up. "This just feels a bit weird," Diana says. 

"Why is that?" Tyson asks, laying a kiss on the back of her neck. 

"Well, I was your teacher and you are my student.... "

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