Andy is my Cousin pt2

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Here's the second part to my imagine
Hope you enjoy it

"Babe I'm going to work" you hear Harry say

"Hmm" you say softly

"You look so cute when you sleep" Harry whispers

"No I don't " you groaned

"Bye babe" Harry says kissing you on the cheek

"Bye" you said

You turned around and it was 7:00

"Better get up and make some breakfast for my kids and myself" you say

You got up and put some slippers on and a dressing gown

You huddled slowly down the stairs to make breakfast

*skip breakfast*

"C'mon you guys" you say

"Coming mummy" Darcy says

You were going to the car than realised you didn't know we're you were meeting Andy

You put the kids in the car, buckled them up

And hopped in the car

As soon as you did that your phone rang

It was


"Hi Andy" you said

"Hi Amy" Andy says

"I don't know where I was meant to meet you" you say

"Oh yeah how about the park" Andy asks

"Yeah that would be good see ya soon" you replie

You hang up the phone and turned the car on and drove off

*skip car ride*

You arrived at the park

"Yay the park" Darcy yelled

You smiled

You parked the car, and got out

Darcy undid we belt and got out

"Darcy stay there I need to get Troy" you say

"Okay mummy" Darcy says

You got Troy out and placed him in your hip

"Amy over here" Andy says

You smiled and walked over to him

"Mum who's this" Darcy says

"This is Andy, mummy's cousin" you say

"Hi Andy my name is Darcy an this is my brother Troy" Darcy says "mummy can I go play" Darcy asks

"Of course sweetheart but stay somewhere I can see you please" you say

"Okay mum" Darcy says

Darcy ran off to play

"So how are you Amy" Andy says

"I'm good" you say

You and Andy talked and talked till it was lunch time

"It's getting late I better go" you say

"Okay bye Amy" Andy says

"Darcy c'mon" you say

"Coming" Darcy says

You walked to your car with a smile plastered on your face

Hoping to see your loving cousin again sometime soon

I hoped you enjoyed it xx

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