Chapter 3

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Day 3- Baking

Karina rang by the orphanage late in the afternoon the next Monday after school ended. I wasn't expecting to see her, but I wasn't surprised, either.

"Do you know this girl?" Mother Boa asked me after calling me down from my room. She tried her best to hide the shocked tone in her voice, since I never, ever get any visitors.

My eyes locked with Karina's, as she gave me a small smile. "We go to school together."

"Oh." Mother Boa smiled back at Karina. "It's nice to see you with a friend, Winter."

I licked my lips. "We aren't necessarily-"

"If you don't mind, Mother Boa," Karina shot her a sweet smile, "I'd like to take Winter out for an hour or two?"

Mother Boa nodded, patting me on the back. I groaned, rolling my eyes as she gave me a small shove towards Karina. "Take her out as long as you want. Winter barely ever leaves the orphanage, except when she goes to school."

Karina grinned. "I'll take good care of her."

With that, I followed Karina out of the orphanage. Mother Boa closed the doors behind us, as I gave Karina a look. "Where are you taking me today?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

Karina ignored my sarcastic remark, as she told me to get in her car. "I'm going to take you to my uncle's bakery."

I frowned. "What are we going to do at a bakery?"

"We're going to learn how to make triple chocolate cookies." Karina simply said.

We pulled up at a bakery that was well known in our town. I've been here once before, but that was before my parents died. They once took me here on my birthday, and let me choose whichever cake I wanted. I ended up picking the tastiest and chocolaty cake there was. I even remember the sly grin on Karina's uncle's face when I told him what I wanted.

"Karina!" a man said with flour all over his hands. "It's good to see you, child."

"It's nice to see you too, Uncle Yu." Karina pulled me forward, introducing me. "This is Winter Kim, one of my friends."

Frank raised an eyebrow at Karina suggestively. "Are you sure the two of you aren't more than that?"

My eyes widened, as Karina turned beet red beside me. "Yes, I'm sure Uncle Yu." She hissed. "Did you get all the ingredients out to make the cookies?"

"Of course, Rina!" Uncle Yu smirked. "Your parents made sure I made the date perfect for the two of you. They were starting to get worried that you were turning straight, since you never went on a date before."

I muffled back a laugh, as Karina fumed beside me. Her arm latched around my wrist, pulling me towards the kitchen. "Let's go, Winter." She muttered with embarrassment.

"Have you ever baked before?" she asked, as we entered the kitchen area.

I shook my head. "All the nuns do the cooking back in the orphanage."

"Alright." Karina chuckled. "I've never baked, either. So, I guess we're starting from scratch."

I smiled slyly. "Great. So we start making the dough, right?"

Karina looked confused as she stared at all the ingredients. "Right." She muttered unsurely, taking a few eggs from the fridge. "Let's start by cracking these."

We cracked the eggs, occasionally getting some shells in the bowl. As I began to whisk the eggs and add sugar and salt, Karina was trying to figure out how to open the bag of flour. "Do we have any scissors here?" she asked, trying to rip open the seal. Just as I was about to hand her a pair of scissors, the bag of flour erupted onto her face.

She stared up at me with disbelief; face entirely covered with white powder. I bit back a laugh, as I handed her the scissors. "Still need them?" I asked teasingly.

Karina stood up, as the flour dripped down to her shirt. "You think this is funny?" she asked, raising a white eyebrow.

I grinned as she began to come closer to me. My smile faded once she began to open her arms out wide. "What are you-" I started off.

Karina pulled me into a bone crushing hug, rubbing her face all over my shoulder. I coughed from all the flour, pushing her off.

When I pulled away, I noticed powder all over my hair and clothes. I glared at Karina, picking up the carton of eggs. "You're going to regret that, Karina." I smirked, tossing an egg in her direction.

The egg landed on her chest, cracking open. Karina's face was priceless, as she took some baking powder out from a bowl. She tossed it in my direction, as the powder covered me entirely.

I glared at her.

This meant war.

Not even after a few minutes, we were covered in baking necessities from head to toe. We looked ridiculous.

"How are the cookies going?" Yu poked his head in.

His eyes widened at the mess, as his jaw dropped. "Oh my Lord!" he yelped.

I bit my lower lip guiltily. "I-I'm so sorry. I'll clean it up."

"Oh no, honey!" he stared at me. "I'm not blaming you! I'm blaming Karina here! How do you egg a girl on your first date?!"

Karina's eyes shifted over to mine, as a grin spread across her lips. "Reason number three, Winter. Baking. We should definitely bake more often."

"Not in my kitchen!" Yu snapped.

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