Chapter 1- Incomplete

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Stan's pov:
I woke up to my alarm,blaring at 7am,I snoozed it trying to to wake the sleep from my eyes,as I got out of bed,i walked to my mirror as I yawned and looked at my mess of my hair and face,my eyebags worse than they were the last day,and my hair ruffled,I opened the bottom drawer of my dresser and grabbed the bottle of liquor,and took a long sip and sighed,and finished getting ready for school,i still wore the same hat,juts a little bit smaller than it should have been,with patches that Kyle had fixed for me,after all the shit with cartman,I didn't really want to think about him right now though,as i stepped down the stairs of the house,and walked out at around 7:53,not even saying goodbye to my family,it's not like they would have cared anyways,as I walked to the bus stop with my earbuds in listening to tv girl,as I felt a light tap on my shoulder and saw the slightly shorter curly red head standing behind me,clearly trying to strike up a conversation,I took out my headphones and turned towards him and grinned,this a was the only person that I could trust,and cared about,sure Kenny,and butters,and Tolkien were nice are cool,but I didn't care as about them as much as I did for Kyle,his curly red hair poking out of his hat,with scruffs on his knees and face from old and new fights,and the bruises over his body from cartman,his green eyes,and his freckled skin,and with his sun kissed lips,I stared into his eyes not realizing that he was practically yelling my name at me "STAN DUDE THE BUS" the buss was backing away from the stop,when I realized I had been staring into his eyes for the past 20 minutes,as the bus had driven away whenI turned back to Kyle who was still there,"welp may as well skip school anyways" I laughed as we walked down the trail that led down to the creek by Kenny's old house,we pulled our jeans up and took off our socks as we dipped our feet in the creek,we had been sitting talking when I had realized someone was behind us as I had said "I really like you Kyle,like a lot,like more than friends like friends,I think,I think I l-" cartman came out from the trees,with his phone in hand,as Kyle grabbed Stan and pulled him in for a kiss,cartman shocked dropping his phone"y-you guys kissed,man stan i knew you were into guys but Kyle-?! Tahts fucking hilarious dude,wait till i post this to twitter for the whole school to see!" Kyle picked it up and threw it into the creek below him "that's what you fucking get you fatass,that's what you get for being such a dick" "HEY DUDE WHAT THE FUCK! I JUST FUCKING GOT THAT YOU FUCKIN JEW!" Kyle lunged at cartman punching him on the ground until his face was purple and blue,blood splat out of his mouth and nose,Kyle got off of him and grabbed Stan by the hand "let's just go dude-" Stan blushes a little,still in shock of everything that had happened,while he was thinking about everything,Kyle interrupted his thought process,and said "let's go to my house,my part are home rn and i have some spare keys"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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