The Tale of Midoriya Izuku

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"And now, the no. 1, Hero Deku!
Deku, could you say a few words about your-self, because we don't know your real name, and you were never seen using your quirk."

Deku was standing on the number one spot, it was the award ceremony for the top 10 heroes.

"Well, of course why not" he already achieved his dream, so there is no harm in them knowing his tragic life story. "But let me tell you a tale, story first, the Tale of Midoriya Izuku"

The crowd cheered, and waited for him to continue. Even if they didn't have a lot of information on him, but if they knew one thing, than it was, that Deku never leaves anyone behind, and always saves everyone, doesn't matter if it's a villain or a hero.

"I had known a boy, when I was younger, when quirks still hadn't mattered. He had a friend, who's quirk not long after came in, it was strong, heroic, flashy. After maybe one and a half year later he was diagnosed quirkless. And in this society that means your life is set in stone from that point. His friend, who he called Kacchan turned his back on him, and started hurting him, calling him useless, a deku."

The audience grasped, but they thought his hero name was Deku, only because of his respect for the boy.

"The first time someone hit him he was five, used their quirk on him, he was six, leaved him beaten half dead, he was eight, first suicide baited, when Izuku was ten. The kid was twelve  when he tried self harm. Hospitals wouldn't treat his injuries. His mother only came home on weekends, he ate less and less. Bullied harder and harder. He had analysis journals on heroes, he wanted to be like them, not for fame, or money, Midoriya just wanted to save everyone. He was fourteen when he first tried suicide, jumped off a building, just like Kacchan, his only friend advised. He never realized that they friendship has ended ten years ago, when he didn't got a quirk."

The hero's fans only sitted there, thinking, not knowing what to say. Some of them util now hated quirkless people, they only now started to understand what these humans, because they are, go through, why so many of them commit suicide.

"He fortunately failed, it wasn't high enough, so he got up and walked home, noone cared. He started to train, he made a promise to himself, if he get into UA's hero course, and only than, he will live, but if not, then he won't fail again."

There was a minute silence in the room, noone dared to speak, until on of the reporters started speaking.

"What happened after that? Did he get in? Did he survive? Did you save him?"

The people started murmuring, they never thought about, the option of getting in, it was ridiculous.

"Well, you could say, that he was saved by me." Scratched his neck, while smiling akwardly Deku.

"How did that go, what happened?" Asked the same reporter, with relief in her voice.

"You asked my name and quirk, right?" He started unbuckle his mask, that covered his lover face, the crowd frowned in confusion... "Well... believe it or not ladies and gentlemen..." He got his mask off entirely and flashed a smile...

"My name is Midoriya Izuku, and I'm quirkless."

Sorry about the Grammer mistakes, hope you like it!

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