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"You know, sometimes, your mind plays tricks on you. It can tell you that it's no good, it's all hopeless. But, I have discovered this,

you are loved, and important, and you bring to this world things that no-one else can. So, hold on."

God, what do I have to say? I can't even begin to describe how terrible it would be in this world without you. You are smart, good looking, kind, who wouldn't be sad to see you leave? Suicidal thoughts are like a storm, they pass after a bit of time. Why let the storm consume you? You're stronger than the storm.  You are special, but it is important to note that you are just as special as you, and not any more special than anyone else. We are all amazing in different ways.

Stay safe, take care of yourself for me

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Stay safe, take care of yourself for me...


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