back again In the temple

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Inosuke's pov:

When I opened my eyes I had noticed that I was not in the brothel and I feel someone brushing their fingers in my hair. As I tried to to get up I feel the other hand push my body down in order to continue to enjoy the softness of my hair I soon was able to get a glimpse of who was doing said action. It was a skinny malnutritiond gray skinned man with black hair that fades to a lime green,that's when I notice he had the upper 6 kanji and I panic but for some reason he did not look at me with malice instead I can see his face contorted into a content smile and that when I realize that I am back Here again after everything I did to get out I was bound to come back here,Huh I then started to pass out again..................

Dakis pov:

As I walked into my beloved baby brothers room I saw Gyutaro was there "Gyutaro it's your turn to feed mama." I said as gyutaro got up grabbed a man's corpse and dragged it out to Mama's bedroom. As I walked up to inosuke,I noticed that father was not lying as he was the most prettiest boy I have ever seen. god am I excited to dress him up in stuff and pamper him to no end. we had tied him up with my soft obi slash so he can't get hurt by thrashing to hardly to get rope burn. I have noticed he still had not woke up so he might be hungry when he wakes up.(when I go to sleep I wake up starving :p )I keep staring at him untill I hear the door open and two people walked in and then I looked at the at the people only to find it was just dad and onii-chan they walked in and brightend up on seeing our little ototo they Quickly and Quietly scurried to were me and ototo were sitting and all of us fawned on how adorable he is as he was prettier than the the average person like me then we started to notice his eyes starting to flutter open.

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