chapter one: the meal

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The wind harshly bit Alices cheek as she sneaked through the woods looking for her prey, the bunny she was tracking had managed to slip away, the trail went cold over an hour ago but Alice wasnt going to go back empty handed when there was kids to feed at camp. She couldnt let them go another night without a meal, as she was sneaking through the trees she heard the snow crunch a few feet away from her. Alice quietly put her bow up and drew an arrow back before taking a breath and letting go.

The arrow flew through the air just like a bird before claiming the target as its new home, Alice watched with a smirk on her face as the deer fell to the ground with a gentle thud. She put her bow away before walking over to the deer and carefully removing the arrow before grabbing its legs and started to drag it back to camp, as she was dragging the deer she heard people talking in the distance. She quietly and carefully dropped the deer and remained low.

"Apparently there have been sightings of werewolves near our border" A male voice informed.

"If they cross over then we kill" A female voice told the male.

Alice felt her eyes widen but remained quiet, she only just realised that she accidently crossed the borders whilst hunting for food. She carefully picked the deers legs up again and carefully but quietly made her way back through the woods and avoided trees or and twigs that would break under her step but what she didnt realise was that someone had been watching her the whole time. As she made her way back to the camp she couldnt help but feel like she was being followed, so every now and then she would look over her shoulder just to be on the safe side.

The smell of burning logs soon greeted her nose as she got closer to the camp they had made for the night and would soon move the next day, as she brought the deer closer all the kids got up and went over to greet her with cute, kind smiles. Alice chuckled a little as the kids looked at the deer with big beady eyes and started to get excited for a proper meal, the parents came over to their children and smiled when they saw how happy they got.

"Good hunt?" Klaus asked as he came over.

"Yea, I was originally after a bunny but that got away and I lost the trail so I got this instead" Alice told him and carefully dropped the deer near the fire.

Klaus followed her movements with his eyes and smiled a little as the kids went and sat near the deer and waited for it to be cooked and served, Alice went over to her tent and put her bow down before hearing Klaus talk from outside her tent.

"Did anyone see you?" He asked clearly worried about her safety.

"No, but I accidently crossed the border" Alice admitted and opened the tent flap.

Klaus felt his heart drop to his stomach and felt his eyes go wide as he heard the words spill of her tongue, Alice looked at him and blinked.

"What?" She asked and looked at his eyes.

"You couldve been killed, you know there are vampires out there on that side" Klaus remined her.

Alice rolled her eyes and took her coat off before walking away from him, she wasnt about to listen to his lecture about not being safe or not being careful. She went over to the fire and smiled a little as the kids picked up sticks and leaves to make something, the creativity those kids have never seem to fail to amaze her. As she was watching the children play she heard footsteps approach the camp.

Alice quickly called the kids over and got her knife out ready whilst Klaus got his bow and arrow ready and stood with her to protect the group, Alice watched as a young man with jet black hair came out from the trees. He looked over at Alice and smirked whilst showing his fangs, Alice heard the kids gasp and felt them hold onto her for protection.

The hybrid and the pure bloodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora