ii. wildly inappropriate

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"Phoenix was rough." Abby admitted, grasping onto her chalkboard, using it to support her weight. It was another week. That meant another pyramid, more dances, and another competition the following weekend. "You guys got your butts kicked. Here in Pittsburg, you have won everything, but it's clearly a different story when you get on a plane and fly across the country. For years, I took the kids by myself. I made sure their hair was right. I made sure the makeup was right. I put the headpiece on. All the mothers wanna go now because they're reliving their childhood through all of you." At this comment, the mothers rolled their eyes. "And that's when the trouble happens. I am the leader. I am the teacher. You do what I say." Christi took a deep breath, as a sort of defense so that she wouldn't say what she wanted to say and make things much worse for Chloe. "When your mother is telling you something else to do, that becomes a conflict. Do you understand that?" All of the girls nodded as quickly as they could, all to ensure that Abby wouldn't snap at them. "Now, Nia, how do you think you did?"

"I think we could have improved." The young girl admitted.

"What do you need to improve?" Abby pushed.

"Pointing my feet." She responded in a low tone.

"Yes." Abby agreed. "Very sloppy. The feet, the legs, the shoulders, your arms. The same mistakes over and over and over, and that pulls the group down."



"Abby yells at people a little bit too much, but I think that's just because she wants them to be a better dancer, and she really cares about us." Maddie stated as Mia and Mackenzie had a thumb war, keeping the latter entertained as her older sister spoke.


"Chloe, the headband was bad. Next time, what are you going to do?"

"Make sure my headpiece stays on." Chloe repeated, as her mother had rehearsed her answer with her before they had entered the studio.

"Could you have prevented that?" Abby continued to question.

She nodded. "Yes."

Abby nodded, agreeing with the tiny blonde's answer. "Moving on. The new number will be called 'Electricity.' Everybody say that."

"Electricity." All the girls repeated back to Abby.

"Maddie." Abby pulled Maddie's headshot off of the pyramid. "Because you were great this weekend and you didn't give me any trouble, and your mother didn't give me any trouble, you're gonna be in the front, in the center for the beginning of the routine." She reattached the girl's photo to the pyramid.



"I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm probably one of the best dancers in my group." Maddie admitted, honestly not trying to offend anyone.


"Everybody's goal should be right here." Abby explained, pointing at the top of the pyramid. "Yes?" Each girl subtly nodded. "Okay. Two solos will be competing. Maddie, you will be doing one of your solos, and Chloe, you will be doing one of your solos. All right, everybody up. I wanna start this number. Moms, you are dismissed. Thank you."


"Here comes Abby." One of the mothers announced.
"Go, go, go, stretch." Christi instructed the girls, all of whom rushed to look like they were doing something rather than just sitting in the den.

the pain and the pleasure-chloe lukasiakWhere stories live. Discover now