The replacement

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I put my shoes back on and went back to the store where they sell toasters "welcome back" said the cashier "Hello" I said I went looking around and saw a normal toaster "please be normal" I whispered to myself I picked the toaster up and bring it to the cashier "is this all ma'am?" The cashier said "yes." I said with a blank expression "alright that will be 9.99" he said and I paid him and went home I got it ready and then I turned around to see it "hello my love~" the Toaster said I kicked the toaster and put it in the bath tub and filled it up with water "ROT IN HELL" that was the last thing I said before it died ...

(Two years later) I found my boyfriend after that day me and him were friends for 9 years then he asked me out and I said yes and we are now engaged...

162 words :)

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