The beginning of the day

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"Come on, my son. Y'know what I say every day you're sitting on your ass doing nothing but reading or just sleeping in. You should be with your friends!" My mother lectured me. "There may not be a -"

"There may not be a tomorrow, but there will always be a today. Yes, mom, I know. " I rolled my eyes as I interrupted her. "C'mon mom, why can't I stay in today..." You always make me go out -" I groaned in annoyance. "C'mon Alistair, don'tbe a baby. You know why mom homeschools us!" My ssaid happily

"To bore us to death with stupid activities?" I sarcastically replied. "No stupid it's get work done too quickly and would be bored with school-" She replied. "Now get ready, we are going to a party my work is throwing!" She said excitedly as she left my room.

I scoffed, got up, and got ready, pulling on a dark blue Spider-Man shirt with black jeans and a belt. I walk out of my room after opening the door to put on my shoes. I pulled out my phone and looked on steam to look for newer games to play when I get back as I thought to myself 'Maybe moms right... I do need to get a life- This is just sad..." I thought to myself. I look up and see a book store "Hm..Barns & Noble...Maybe i can find a new book or two-" I said to no one in particular. I crossed the street and headed into the building. I went to the historical fiction section and found a few books I wanted and then checked out. I left and carried the books back home. I open the door, put my books down, then leave the house once again and walk around the city, enjoying the fresh air. That was until an earthquake happend

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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