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Welp so much for writing this the day after. Anyways to the story.

3rd person pov:

Before you knew it, all of the blocks were found and you and the rest of your classmates were heading back to the room you started in.

As you sat on your bunk bed, you stared at your box, outlining blue with your fingers. You wondered why he didn't just kill you in the first place. You kinda recognized him tho. Like as if you had seen him somewhere.
Your thoughts were cut off by the person talking on the intercom.

??? : "Hey, you found all of my blocks. I hope blue didn't get too many of you."

You proceed to count how many of your classmates are left. 2...5...9...69...11.

There were 11 of you all left.

???: "I must say I am quite impressed. Especially with one of you, who did more than the others and some how made an alliance with blue. He's not usually that friendly. But I'm sure green won't be so forgiving."

Green: *SQUEAK*

???: "Welp, looks like he's is awake. He knows your in there. I wouldn't worry about him though. He's blind. How can he catch you if we can't see you? Anyways, get some good rest. I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring."

It was quite silent until one of the "popular girls" spoke up.

Girl 1: "Well, he's creepy."

Girl 2: " Ya... I wonder what he looks like."

Girl 1: "OMG, I wonder if he's cute. Like lowkey a hottie."

Boy 1: "OmG, I wOnDer If HeS CutE. Oh my goodness SHUT THE FUCK UP! He's probably ugly af. Heck he probably looks like that ugly blue monster.

Y/n: "Hey, blue isn't ugly, he's adorable."

Boy 1: "And I think that YOU were the one who started an alliance with him."

Y/n: "I didn't start an alliance with him, he started an alliance with me."


???: "Y/n, can you please grab your belongings and head with blue to the theater?"

Y/n: "With pleasure."

You grabbed all of your things while that guy was STILL trying to make a point. You silently got off your bunk and waited for the door to open.

When it did, blue came crashing into the room. He immediately grabbed the guy who was yelling at you and ripped his head off. You gagged a bit but got used to the blood and guts quickly and took hold of blues hand?... Paw?... Yeah ima say paw, and got out of there.

As the door closed, you could hear all of your remaining classmates screaming there heads off. (Get it... Heads off... AHAHAHHAHA).

Blue picked you up and put you on his shoulders and ran down to the theater.

He grabbed a broken piece of the curtain that was on the floor and covered a little section of the floor with it. Kinda like a little picnic.

Y/n: "soooooo... What do y'all do for fun around here? "

Blue tilted his head a bit looking as if he was lost in thought, then snapped out of his little trance and curled up into a little ball as he put his head in your lap.

Y/n: "Awwwwwwww. Ya know, for something so dangerous, you are just the cutest thing."

You wrapped the curtain around you and blue and attempted to fall asleep until you heard a slight squeaking noise coming from the room below you.
Immediately, blues head shot up and looked around. You patted his little head fuzzies and assured him that the noise was nothing. Blue growled a bit then ran down the ramp that led to the basement.

A few minutes go by before blue finally starts to come back, but he had someone with him. A green Monster that looked nothing like blue. He had really long arms and 2 crooked eyes, and his legs were kinda short and stubby.


You run over to the green bean and pick up one of its arms. It pulls it's arm back, startled, and takes a few steps back, bumping into the wall behind him, squeaking from the contact.

Y/n: "oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I promise I won't hurt you."

Blue growls a bit as if he's trying to explain something but you don't speak in growls so you couldn't quite understand what he was saying. It was when he started motioning towards Greens eyes that you finally kinda figured out what he was saying.

Y/n: "oh right! I forgot your blind. So your the one the person on the intercom was talking about? "

Green made a party horn noise and tried to feel around for you. When you stepped closer, he finally found you and wrapped one of his arms around you and lifted you into the air. He sat down as he used his other arm to calmly pet your head.

Blue sat down next to you and green began purring and rubbed his face against yours, kinda like a cat. You tried really hard not to freak out because of how cute these creatures are. I make you wonder if there were any more of them besides blue, green, and the one who can talk, if he's even one of the monsters.

After a while, you notices that green stopped petting you and loosened his grip on you so you turned your head around to look at him and both blue and green were asleep.
You got the curtain and sat in between them and put the curtain over you all. As you closed your eyes you could hear blues purring as green wrapped an arm around you.

You felt like you were being watched but you didn't care. You had two big monsters that would keep you safe.


Whew, that was exhausting, but I'm glad I got it done. I hope this longer chapter makes up for the last ones shortness. (It probably doesn't )

-Raccoon out 🦝

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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