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The Call

"Hello?" Aurora said on the other line.

"Hi, this is Aurora and Jack right?" Kam says putting the phone on speaker for everyone to hear.

"Yes this is. Did you think about the offer we talked about?" Aurora asked.

"We did and are willing to do it if we get more information on it." Liv says.

"Ask away." Aurora says getting ready for the questions.

"What's the show called and what is it about?" Rudy asked the obvious question.

"It's called Outer Banks and will focus on a group of teens trying to find gold, but a bunch of mishaps happen along the way." Aurora says trying to give as little information as possible about what it's about to them.

"Okay well how long will it take to film a season?" Kiera asked.

"About a year it depends on how fast or slow filming is." Aurora says.

"Do we get assistants because if so, I'm sold." Rudy said.

"Yes, if you accept it will be me and Jack." Aurora says, hoping to wrap up the conversation soon.

"I think that's it right now thanks." Kam says as Aurora explains how she will send the audition pieces tomorrow and everything else they need to do.

"WE'RE GONNA BE FAMOUS!" Rudy yells, throwing his fist in the air.

"Hell yeah." Kiera says going to high five Olivia and Kameryn.


Since it's a slow day at the flower shop, the group of four decides to go over the audition pieces.

"Guys you do realize we have to fly down to South Carolina by next week to audition?" Liv says, taking a bite of her salad.

"Are you sure?" Kam asked going to the counter and looked at the email Aurora sent.

"Yeah I'm reading it with my own two eyes Kameryn." Liv rolls her eyes.

"Maybe you secretly need glasses and are seeing things." Kiera says going to sit on the counter.

"I don't need-Yo Olivia." Chris cuts her off coming in on his phone.

"Eww it's Chirs. You really need to learn the difference between a tulip and a daily. That's right, I didn't forget." Rudy scowls at Chris before taking a piece of lettuce from Livs salad.

"What Chris?" Liv says putting her in a mood. His presence isn't really wanted if you can't tell.

"Just wanted to let you know I wont be here tomorrow."

"You aren't here in general, I'll be fine. Also I have to talk to your parents today at some point." Liv says trying to get out of this conversion.

"Why?" Chris raised a brow.

"You don't need to know about my personal life Chris, I just need to talk to them." Liv says, rolling her eyes.

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