life as lovers

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No one's pov

Chapa walks through the door.

Bose: Hey Chapa

Chapa: Hi bose

They sit down in their chairs and go upstairs then sit on the couch together.

Chapa: *Lay's head on bose shoulder*

Bose: *puts arms around the waist* Your cute

Chapa: I know

Bose chuckles a little then falls asleep together.

Next day

Bose: Morning chappy

Chapa: morning bosey

She gets up and stands behind bose and hugs him.

Chapa: what are you making?

Bose: pancakes

Chapa: sounds good

Chapa sits on the couch and watches the news

Trent: So now we found an image of captain man walking outside of the man's nest. He was with some small guy.

Mary: that's right!

*turns off tv*

Chapa: well that's boring

Bose: foods done

Chapa gets up and eats all of her pancakes.

When they both finish they go to Chapa's home

Chapa: my parents are not home.

They go in and go to chapa's room

Bose: What do you wanna do?

Chapa: Watch a movie?

Bose: sure, is the titanic ok?

Chapa: Sure.

They are watching the movie and chapa lays her head on bose shoulder.

Chapa: This is fun. No parents, No team members, and no bad guys.

Bose: *Lay his head on top of chapa's* agreed.

They both fall asleep.

Next day
Chapa wakes up first

Chapa walks downstairs and makes eggs for bose she eats hers and gets dressed in her bathroom. She walks outside and sits with her feet in her pool throwing rocks at the trees.

Bose: *wakes up* Chapa? *looks out window* what is she doing?

He gets dressed and eats his eggs then walks outside and sits next to chapa.

Chapa: Morning sleepy head.

Bose: Why are you up so early?

Chapa: I'm always up this early.

Bose: Then why are you always late?

Chapa: I just don't wanna go to school.

They both get up and head to swag. They arrive and walk in.

Mika: Why are you so late bose?

Bose: I was at c-

Chapa: *puts hand over bose mouth* He was at church.

They sit down.

Bose: What are you doing miles?

Miles: *grunts* yoga. I'm going to a yoga tournament on the top of Mount swellveiw, And people gotta see me in these pants.

Miles teleports away.

Chapa: What do you guys wanna do?

Mika: Hip hop puree?

Chapa: Nah

Bose: Hip hop puree?

Chapa: Sure, sounds good.

Mika: *mind, What the heck* *throws arms in defense.

They go to hip hop puree and sit at a table. Bose orders and comes back with all the drinks.

Bose: Here you go Chapa, here you go Mika.

Bose sits down and they all drink when bose makes a weird face at someone.

Mika: imma heading to the restroom. *leaves*

Chapa: *looks at bose's face* What's wrong? *curious*

Bose: um. Doesn't that girl look a little like Lilly?

Chapa: *Looks* A little. Bose, you know that Lilly moved to New York.

Bose: oh, ok.

Mika comes back and they all leave and go to the man's nest.

Mika turns on the news*

Tent: so we just heard that kids hate us and want the news to be more fun.

Mary: So we are angry.

Trent: Because of that we don't care what you want because we aren't kids.

Mary: And now a moment of silence because we have no other news.

*turns off tv*

Chapa: it's true.

Mika: Chapa!

Chapa: what.

Chapa and bose leave.

*outside the doors of swag*

Bose: Bye sparky.

Chapa: Bye bosey.

Bose kisses her head and they walk home.

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