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"Answer me. Answer me, Soph!"

How long had he been calling for me? My eyes only meeting with his violet ones when he called my name. I parted my lips, trying hard to muster a word, but nothing escaped. My eyes refused to stay open any longer.

I was sure he continued to call for me, but the ringing of sirens around the entire building drowned him out. His warm arms wrapped around my body, lifting me up, and taking me as far from the scene as possible.

The screeches and screams from the other students rang in my ears as he took me through the field. Voices I recognized as friends and classmates.

Did I want to open my eyes to see what I already knew?

"Soph, you're still awake, right?" He asked, his voice shaking and his breath heavy.

"Mmm," I hummed, because nothing more came through. But I wanted to tell him what happened and ask him to inform me on what was left. I began shifting around in his arms, even though I could feel my sore muscles. I had to open my eyes...

Stretching my hand forward, I could make out my best friend, Bee, awake and on her feet. Her father was holding her upright as she was pressing a cloth to her neck. Bee never once looked my way, her focus was on the ground beneath her feet. Her father's mouth was moving nonstop, while she listened.

"We can't stay here. You'll have to meet with her later." He held me closer to his chest. "Plus, you can't even speak."

All I could do was hope she would be okay. After all we had gone through at tonight's school dance...

How would any of us be okay after that?

"Soph," a voice next to me said, softly. "Again?"

I opened my eyes to see Knox staring right at me. Turning to my side, I buried my face into his chest and nodded. Holding back tears, I started to mumble a bunch of nonsense into his shirt. He backed away, making me face him again.

"It can't be helped, it'll be a year since..." I swallowed. "I guess, I don't understand how everyone else returned to normalcy so fast."

"You don't know that. They can't see your struggles and probably assume the same about you."

"Well, to be fair, that day terrified the hell out of me, but others had it way worse. Much worse, and yet..." I covered my face ashamed that I continue to let the events of that day control my emotions and my mind. "And after everything you told me..."

"Knox, what are you talking about?!" I screamed, holding my hand out to keep our distance. "Don't. move."

Knox leaned against the wall behind him, letting his black hair with silver tips hang over his face. "I know there was never the right time to tell you this, and after what happened the other day, I think it is fair to you for me to--"

"No! Stop! You can't be them! You can't be one of those things!" I screamed, every part of my body shaking in disbelief. Looking at his face now caused flashbacks to that night. The faces I saw, the fire, the bloodshed, and the screams.

"Just like Bee isn't?" He asked, his violet eyes boring into mine. "You saw it happen with your own eyes. But hear me out, please. We are all not the same. If you're still worried about Bee, knowing what will become of her, then that means you're willing to open yourself to this. You can't deny what you saw that day. You told me yourself."

"I know! But still!" I sat on the bed, hugging my blanket close to my chest. "You..."

"Is it truly hard to believe? I know it hurts, because of the attack on your school, but like I said; there are mild to severe incidents and changes that one could go through that affects their body and soul." He did not move an inch, only continuing to watch my face carefully. "As much as I hate what I am... as much as that part of me suffers... there is nothing I can do to change it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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