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Nico made his way through the marvelous corridors and tried to maneuver through the mob of students that flooded the hallway. He ducked his head so as to avoid being seen. Nico pulled on the hoodie of his jacket and used it to cover his face. He brought his schedule out from his back pocket, and on the top his locker number was written on it. Locker 473.

Alright then, Nico said to himself. Find your locker and try not to bump into anyone. Nico scanned all the locker numbers until his eyes landed on the number written on his schedule. Found it.

Nico thought that the day was going to go well considering the fact that for the past ten minutes, nothing has gone devastatingly wrong. He reminded himself that luck was never on his side and was just waiting for the perfect time to strike. Nasty little thing. Always never there when you needed it the most. It was always its counterpart 'Bad luck' that was on Nico's side.

He checked the number again just to be sure, and when he was sure he put it back in his pocket and input the locker combination. He opened it and was relieved to find that there wasn't anyone stuffed in it or any pranks. That would have been weird and embarrassing- respectively. Nico unshouldered his black bag and began pulling out his textbooks and notebooks that he wouldn't need for the first period. The first thing on his schedule just had to be Math. See? Bad luck. He shoved his backpack into his locker and was about to start heading for room 202, but it was then he knew that he had no way around the school. Wasn't there supposed to be a tour guide or something since they had, you know, redesigned the entire building to look like a freaking Greek temple with way too many rooms in it.

Nico contemplated asking for help but decided against not wanting to draw any human being other than teachers to himself. He decided he would find it on his own, plus how hard could it be? He just had to hope that maybe the teacher wasn't in class, by the time he found it. The first day of school and Nico was already dreading it.

With his textbooks clutched tightly to his chest, and jacket pulled tightly over his torso, Nico mingled amongst the crowd of students and navigated his way through the hallway.

-----------time skip to 15 minutes later. *the timeskips tho-------

Nico was lost. No doubt about that. He continued walking through the now less crowded hallways before he accidentally bumped into someone. His books clattering to the floor, the process along with him too. (Now this is the part where he meets Will.... just keep going, I ain't no cliché author)

A girl who looked around to be Nico's age with long midnight back hair that was styled to into a princess braid looked at Nico with apologetic eyes. She had deep brown eyes that held dignity and confidence- characteristics that Nico lacked- within them. Nico gulped taking one quick look at her. She looked nice? Harmless, at most, only if triggered then she could be deadly. She was probably in the same grade as him considering the textbooks she was holding, similar to his. Nico could read all her body language and could tell she posed no threat but still kept his guard up. Sometimes, reading body language to try to qet some info. on the person could be... unreliable, so he relied on instincts and probably his guts too.

"Sorry, didn't see you there." she said as she stretched her arm out to help him out. Nico looked at it warily but obliged not to look rude. "Let me help you with those," she said already bending to pick up the books.

"No, no it's okay, I-I um wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into you." Nico replied with a shrug already picking up his textbooks. She smiled at him warmly.

"So I noticed you from across the halls." she said pointing to where she had been standing a few lockers away from his. "You looked kinda lost, so I decided to check if you needed help finding your way around."

Nico heaved a sigh of relief. For some reason, he felt like he could trust this girl. "Yeah, I was," Nico said as he scratched the back of his neck. He looked up at her and met her gaze, being a few inches shorter than his normal height.

"I needed help finding Room 202, if you know where that is?" Nico asked as he showed her his schedule. Was this really a good idea? Trusting a rando. (I spelt it like that)

Her eyes lit up. "Yeah, actually that's my first class, I was waiting for someone but I guess they didn't show up, so you're walking with me." she said.

"Fine by me." Nico said as he shouldered his backpack. He was trying to play it cool on the outside but on the inside he was a total mess. This was the longest conversation he's had with someone his age in months. Usually, his conversations would go like this:

Person: Hey do you know who Liam is?

Nico: Yeah the guy wearing glasses over there *gestures to person* he-

Person: Thanks! *then the person dashes of*

Yup, life. The girl cleared her throat and began walking. Nico hurried to catch up with her. Soon they were walking side by side.

"My name's Reyna but the way." she introduced herself, maybe trying to start a conversation. "Reyna Ramires Avellano. But please call me Reyna."

"Well, my name is Nico." Nico replied as they took a turn into an empty hallway. He didn't go around tossing his last name around like that. He knew that name contained enough power to send a whole set of police officers shaking.

Reyna raised her brow but didn't ask about it. Nico felt a bit bad because she had told him her full name and he had just given her the summary. "Nico Rossi." A lie, his real name was Nico di Angelo, but there was no way in hell he was going to tell her his fathers name.

Reyna smiled a bit at that. "Well nice to meet you Nico, I hope we get another chance to talk apart from during classes." Nico didn't know why but he felt himself smiling.

"Sure, why not?" Nico said as they entered their first lesson.

Nico had a feeling somewhere at the back of his mind that maybe today wasn't going to be as bad as he thought, it would be.

A/n: coffee... the greatest gift
Okay published at 3:28AM


Zoe: stfu

Just My Luck- Solangelo highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now