chapter one Marjorine

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Butters walked into class dress as Maorjorine the new girl 'Oh gosh I really do hope the girls don't know I am butters...' He though in his head. "H-Hi everyone I am marjorine I am the new girl." He said to the class and he blushed
Marjorine sat next to the girls 
"H-Hey girls I hope we can be friends..."
"Marjorine your clothes are ugly!" Heidi growled at Marjorine. "Yeah and your hair sucks!" Wendy laughed. "Yeah we will never be your friend ugly freack" bebe yelled at her and pointed "Marjorine is ugly! Marjorine is ugly!" The girls started to chant

Butters could feel his eyes start to water but he held it in 'N-No i can't cry in front of them...' he throught. 'I-I am so worthless... I should die' he thought Butters was secretly depressed and his dad beat him at home so Butters was really depressed and the girls made him feel worse and butters was gay so he hated himself His life kind of sucked it was sad
Butters put his knees to his chest and put his face in his knees to hide his tears so No one would know he was sad. 
Kenny blushed at Marjorine her hair was so pretty and her clothes was so cute and her voice was cute it reminded him of his friend Butters who died a few days ago... Kenny was really sad Butters died they were good friends and Butters was a nice person but he killed himself a few days ago. It made kenny really depressed and sad but He didn't know why... He was straight right! But it still mad him really sad he started tearing up because It reminded him of butters.. 

Kenny looked over and he saw the girls bully Marjorine and he got really mad, he clench his fists and start growling He can't take it anymore when marjorine got sad. He stood up and went to the girls 
"Girls how dare you..." He growled angrily he never gets angry "Marojorine just wants a friend! You should be ashamed" He stomped his feet he was so angry!
"W-where sorry" Wendy wimpered. "I-I just have a crush on you and I got jealous.. I hop you can forgive me" She begged tears started falling from her eyes and she sobbed "I love you kenny I always love you"

Stan saw this and he started crying "W-wendy.. I thought you love me.." he put his hands on his eyes and started sobing loud while Kyle put his hand on his sholder "There there"

Wendy laughs "I never love you stupid.. I was just using you stupid! Your so stupid" She laughs and pointed at him "stupid stan.. I could never love someone ugly like you"
Stan cried more and ran out of the class

Marjorine loked up and smiles "T-thank you kenny" She blushed 'What why am I feeling this.."
"Thanks Marjorine but why do you Know my name I never said my name"
"O-Oh u-uh.. I-I just.. guessed that is all... "

"Gay kenny! Stop having a crush on.. u-uh" Eric started to say but then he realize Kenny doesn't know Marorjorine is Butters and the girls can't know "I mean Your straight"

---- The nest day

"W-Well hiya girls.." says marjorine" Can I go to your sleepover?"
Heidi scoffs and was about to say no but then she got an idea 
"Hey girls let's invite Butters to the party and prank her and made her cry!"
"Hey yeah good idea!" Bebe giggles "She wont know what comes to her but what prank should we do?"
"I know let's bully her" Says wendy
"No that too far... We have to do something else" Says Red
"Your right we have to do something good" Says bebe
"I know we can put rat poison in her cake! And when she throws up in the bathroom we can put her face in the tolet!" Heidi laughs
"Good one" Wendy laughs
"Of course we will invite you!" Say heidi "We love you your our best friend it will be so fun can't wait"
"Gee thank you! It will be fun see you tomorrow" Marjorine giggle and skips off

Kenny overhear the girls plan and he growled to himself 'I won't let them hurt Marjorine...' He think to himself 'I must sneak in and stop them before they do anything' he stared at the girls angry he clenched his fist 'They are so evil... and Marjorine is way prettier and special than all of them combined... Heidi is so sweaty fat and pimples bebe is  stupid ugly spoiled slut wendy is nerdy nasty gross red is ginger barf evil hideous. And They think only looks matter when looks doens't matter at all.' Plus he felt like he had a special conntect to Margarine he blushes every time he sees her but why... He didn't know why. But he has to save her... Because she reminded her of butters 
Kenny started blushing when he thought of butters 'No stop why am I blushing!' He didn't understand.. 

Kenny smirked to himself as He thought of a plan and a revenge to save Mojarine "Don't worry I will save your Marjarine.." He promised while he glared at the other Girls who were laughing at Marjarine again. 

"God she is so dumb! Haha" Wendy laughs
"I know write" Heidi agreed 
"Like her fashion is so ugly and so is her face she looks like butters" Heidi laughed
"Ew butters I am so glad he killed himsefl he was so ugly and annoying Like no one cares about you butters!" Red laughed really loud  
"So true I was started jumping up and down happy when Butters was dead I wish I was recording it" Wendy said
All the girls started laughing and Kenny saw red he can't take it anymore! He ran towards the girls angry as fast and punched Bebe hard Really hard she started crying
"Ke-Kenny what's wrong.." Bebe asked sad 
"You know nothing about Butters it is not good he died he was so amazing.. He was so cute and happy and his hair was so pretty.. And he was so nice and his face was pretty and handsome and beautiful and I am in love with him!" Kenny yelled 

The girls gasped "Kenny your gay" Wendy said
"N-No am straight I didn't mean that.." He said blushed
"Oh ok" She say "But butters is not cool or pretty he is a dork"
Kenny got mad and was about to punch her but then he didn't want to seem gay
"Y-Yeah haha.. Butters was the worst I am so glad he dead. I wish I killed him myslef I hate him" Kenny said lying

But butters heard this and started crying 'K-Kenny hates me and wants me to die' He started crying a lot he didn't know why.. 

Suddenly Eric run up "Butter what are you doing crying! Get to the slumber party stupid we need to know the future" He growled and kicked butters "Stop crying stupid dork I hate you I wish you rally did die you are so worthless. No wonder your parents beat me like I would beat you to no offense Your a total loser you make everything worse. Get the time travel Device already! Stupid loser! And your probably gay" He said and ranned away

'W-What why would he call me gay.. Am straight' butters thought to himself blushing and he thought of kenny 'N-N-o I don't like kenny! Get out of my thoughts silly' Thinking of kenny put Him in a better mood though he was happier now He didn't know why He smiled to himself 'I think I'm ready to go to the party now...'

End of chapter one let me know your guys thoughts based off Marjorine episode if you couldn't tell thank you for reading <3

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