chapter too: The party betrayil?

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Nervous Butter ring the doorbell "H-Hey Hidi I'm here for the party" 
Heidi growl "Stupid marjorine what are you doing her!" She yelled but then she remember the plan "Oh Just kidding! Come in" she laugh

"Hey gals Marjorine is here!" Heidi say to the other girl and they start smirking

"o-Oh H-Hey Fellas..." Say butter

"what! Did you just say fellas!" Wendy ask "but thats what Butter says"

(O-Oh no i can't let them know i'm Butters!)
"U-Um who is butters? I don't know who that is sorry" Says Marjorine

"Butters is someone who is died like you should!" Says Bebe

"Haha yeah stupid margarine! Nobody love you"

"what... b-but i tough we were friends?" cry Marjorine

"No way your stupid!" say wendy "GIRLS LETS ATTACK HER!!!"

"HAHA YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" laugh the girls

"N-No!! SOMEONE SAVE ME" yell marjorine


Kenny started runinng to the party to save Butters he really hope she was ok. But when he got there... all the other boys where there?

"Boys what are you doing here!" Kenny say

"O-Oh um no reason!" say cartman but then kenny realize...

"Wait a minute your here to attack the girls for what they did to stan! Grrr. How could you! You know Margorine is in there" Kenny growl

"Heh do you like marjorine or something?" Says cartmin

"Yes! I'm in love with her I can't help it... I love her i will die for her my life has been empty until i met her... She britened my life i feel like Im not depressed anymore...  Shis the most perfect girl ever And I wont let you hurt her... I want to marry her if we weren't young and I am going to save her!" He yell and ran up to the window

Suddinly cartman feeled bad "W-Wow we realy got put in our place..."

"Ya" Stan said sadiy "I never new kenny loved Butters"

"Girls stop!" cries marjorine when they start pulling his hair (There gonna find out its wig!)
"Never" Red laughed "let go of you hair are you scared it gonna fall off or something?"

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!! SHE'S MINE!!! YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER IT'S NOT HER TIME!!!" kenny yelled and jumped through the window and punched all the girls 

"K-Kenny..." Butters blushed (N-No why am i blushing for a boy!!)

The girls gasp! "Ken why are you Defending Marjorine! She is a stupid looser"

"NO SHE ISNT!!!! I LOVE HER!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!! " He growed and his eyes looked so angry the girls got scared

"BBut kenny your stupposed to love me" Cride wendy "We would be so perfect"

"I DONT CARE I DON'T LIKE EVIL PEOPLE!!!!" he growled angry "NOW GET OUT!!!"

"Y-Yes kenny..." Say the girls and they run away crying

"K-Ken you love me?" Marjorine blush

Suddinly kenny got sad because butters use to call him Ken... Then he realize he never love Marorine because he only thoght he liked her because he liked butters the whole time! And she remind him of butters!


then he got suddenly angry at Maroine for pretending to be butters

"How did you know Butter used to call me Keny..." He growed angry

"W-What!" Oops i called him ken! thought butters


Marjorine cried "K-kenny what do you mean

"it should have ben you that died instead of butters...." he growl "At least Butters was a good person... and Never trick me..."

Tears ran down Buttes face.. How can kenny say such things to him kenny was always such nice to him.... He ran out of the room and started crying 

"Ken is right I should just be dead.... Im W-Worthlees..."

Eric ran up to butters "Butters why are you crying!!!"

"K-Ken hates me and wants me to die... maybe I should be died...."

Eric gasp "B-But kenny loves you.... he said so..."

Buttes blushed "W-What kenny loves me..." then he got mad "Your just lyeing! You are always lie to me I am so worthless.... I dont deserve to live...." He said sadly and ran off

Then kenny came out and eric got mad "Kinny grrrr... why were you mean to Marjorine"

"Because Marjorine was pretending to be butters to make me love him...." 

"Um No!! Butters is Marjorine it was a trick! and Now butters is going to kill himself please save him!!!"

Kenny cried "What! I can't believe i was so mean to butters... I need to go to save him!!!"


To be continud sorry for long wait<3 Please comment below if you enjoyed and leave a star i know its sad

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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