Chapter 9 - Fight Back Catte..

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In the Garden, Catte regains unconsciousness from Snowy kicking them in the face. Catte examines the Garden slowly and gets shocked by the sudden green-red blood on the floor..

" can't be.." Catte slowly begins to crawl towards the pool of blood, "It..can't be right?.." Catte's head begin to fill up with questions and criticizing thoughts

"I should've been stronger..better…such a weak kick knocks me out…I'm pathetic.." Catte stood up and gave himself a pat in the back

"I shouldn't think that won't help him" Catte begins to walk towards the 2nd exit of the garden leading him to the hallway of the Crystal garden and Sharks pool

Catte walks towards the entrance of the Crystal garden..once they reach it, they click a button that immediately opens the door revealing an amusing color of green with the grass and trees that have apples and oranges

Catte walks inside and examines the place..snif "the auroma here is..sweet" Catte walks in deeper of the garden and sees
Few slime pup footprints in the floor

Catte walks to them and opens up…a hidding spot!? "Y'all are horrible at making yourself hidden" Catte spoke up and scared a few slimepups inside the hidden spot

"Catte!" All of the slime pups screamed and build themselves on top of Catte. Making Catte to trip and fall to the ground. "huuuh, guys!" Catte stops talking as all the slime pups begin to lick Catte's face

"That tickles! Stop it g-guys!" Catte shuffles around and try to push the slime pups back from licking their face.

After 5 minutes, the slime pups get off Catte and lets him sit up. The hidden spot entrance is closed by a golden pup, "So catte, why are you here? You don't usually come here to check up on us since you're busy on keeping the humans away" said a pink SlimePup

"Also, what was all the commotion over there? We heard Pastance yell out a bit but we were terrified to go out…did something happen?" Pointed out a ghost pup

Catte stares into the ghost pup with blank eyes..their mind becomes fuzzy and Catte begins to hear a static noise becoming louder and louder "Catte?" Said a voice slowly becoming silent

Catte's vision slowly becomes blank…all they could see is black on their vision "You should of survived the impact and maybe he would survived" said a voice in the darkness

"Who's there!?" Yelled Catte "if you were faster and not weak, you could take Pastance with you somewhere more secured, and-" Catte interiors the voice "S-shut up! I don't even know if he's actually dead!"

"Oh, but you've already decided that he is yet you don't have enough proof to know.." Catte stays there quiet in the empty void slowly floating in it

They feel themselves not able to feel anything..just a warm puddle that they like to be in every day.. they don't feel themself moving anywhere…

They gasped for air as they were struggling to breathe.."W-w-whats going on?" "Catte!" A voice yelled out

An image of Pastance calling out to them started to appear.."Pastance.." Catte looks at the Green and bluish dragon SlimePup with eyes of worry.."WATCH OUT" the Catte in the image yelled out



His head is…cut off

Pastance head has been cut off…why…"why him..he's too should've been me. WHY COULDN'T IT BE ME!?"

"It's your fault that he died..accept it murderer. It should've been you" Catte stays in silence.. "I..should be with him right now.." Catte said with a smirk on their face

" should.."  Catte stood up and walked towards the darker side of the room.."Hehe..why.."

"Wait!" A familiar voice said.. Catte looks behind themselves and notice the other half of the room brighten up and a figure of Pastance pop up

"Don't go further..please" Catte begins to shake.."Pastance"?
Catte doesn't hesitate and runs towards 'Pastance' "is it really worth it Catte?" Said the figure of Pastance "w-what do you mean?"

"Is it really worth it giving your mind to your thoughts? Letting them control you? That isn't you..fight it" Pastance said
"Pastance..I-I..don't know" Catte stood there looking down and not giving any eye contact

"Catte, you're stronger than this..don't give up yet. I know you're able to fight this off" Pastance extends his paws
"Come on, you know you're able to" Catte stays there.. quietly

Catte's paws start to move by themselves reaching out to Pastance Paw..the place rumbles.. "shit, not enough time. CATTE, KEEP FIGHTING!" The Pastance figure yelled out

"B-but!-" "you're not able to win Catte, you know it" said the menacing voice, Catte looks back and forward and notices Pastance being gone..

"It's your fault-" "shut up.." Catte stopped the voice from continuing "excuse me?" Catte looked around "you heard me..SHUT UP..I won't let you get in my head. If i remember correctly..I heard a Human saying some words"

"Good luck Pastance..and some water splashing…so he isn't dead, he's in the sewer..why?" The room lights up a bit "he isn't alive..your imagining-stuff" the voice begins to stutter and start to sound glitchy like

"I'm not…now.." Catte gets himself into a menacing stand and ready to blow out every single amount of power into this.."You're just…A THOUGHT OF MINE!!" the room shakes intensely

"I-I-IM NOT S THOU-UGHT, YOU'RE J-J-JUST IMAGINATING STUFFEEEFF" the room brights up more and more every single second until it blinds Catte..they cover their eyes from the bright light

They wake up in the lab and stood up gasping for air rapidly
"OOWW" Catte yelped in pain "put your head down and breath deeply Catte" said a high pitch voice's a male?

Catte laid down and took deep breaths…they turned around to look at the one who spoke before.."Frost,is that you?"

Catte is looking at a SlimePup named Frost..Frost is known as Shinox sidekick or buddy in the lab. He helps out with Sninox with experiments or there to see what else he can discover

Frost is also known as a rare variant but his abilities aren't able to get multiplied. He has white latex and has a white collar plus a hair pin that is color green. (A gift from Pastance)

"You had us a big spook there big guy, no one knew what to do except me" Frost looked at Catte with menacing eyes..then a sudden sigh of relief and eyes of worry "next time don't try to faint out of nowhere alright? You gave me the biggest spook there"

"W-what even happened there?" Catte asked "well..i can tell you right now if you want to?" Frost turned around and got of the chair he was on "sure" Cattle answered

Frost walks up to the bed where Catte is at and makes himself comfortable next to Catte…Catte's tail begins to wag

Alright…where do I begin…

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