Chapter 1

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"Put it a little higher", Justin said.

"Explain to me, why I'm the one hanging this ridiculously heavy sign instead of you?" Alex questioned, annoyed. "I mean, you're the guy."

"Because I covered for you with mom and dad when you ditched the magic lesson yesterday, so, you owe me."

"Oh my god, it was less than an hour, the sale was a bust because they had nothing cute, and I was with Harper the whole time, so I didn't even do anything wrong. Now," she added, hanging the other end of the sign on a semi-loose nail "if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get a soda. Alex climbed down from the ladder and approached her older brother. 

"You can't leave yet," Justin complained. "I need your help hanging the banners and balloons."

"Isn't the big sign enough? I mean, it's Alien Language League, not the Oscars, Justin." She put her hands on her hips, stuck her tongue at him, and then turned and started walking off.

"Well, you just lost your front row seat to the comedy line up."

"Aw," Alex spoke without even turning around, "I don't know which is cuter, the fact you think you nerds are funny, or the fact that you thought I was actually coming to this nerd-fest." Justin started to insult her back, but his words were cut short by a loud snapping sound. Alex spun around just in time to see the enormous stone sign she had attempted to hang crashing down. She cried out for her brother to move, but he was frozen in place to as the sign landed on him, knocking him down and pinning him to the ground. She screamed and rushed to his side.

"Justin!" she cried. "Justin are you okay?" He didn't respond. She pushed the stone sign as hard as she could screaming for help. "Someone! Anyone!" she cried. "Help!" She finally managed to get the slab of smooth stone slid off of her brother, but there was blood beginning to spill from around him. She couldn't tell if it was coming from his head or his back, but she didn't care, she had to get her brother help, now!

Alex pulled out her wand and transported them just outside of the hospital emergency room and rushed inside while stuffing her wand into her boot. Once she got inside, she grabbed a nurse, tears rushing down her face.

"Please," she cried, "you have to help my brother he's outside, he's unconscious and bleeding really bad." The nurse sprang into action, grabbing two more nurses and a gurney and rushing out. a minute later they came back in, Justin lying on the gurney. She rushed to her brother's side, begging to know if he would be okay.

"We won't know until the doctor can see how severe his injuries are," the nurse responded. Through her tears, Alex noticed Justi's wand poking out of his pocket. She quickly snatched it and stuffed it into her own back pocket. The doctor rushed to the gurney asking the nurses to fill him in. Two of the nurses and the doctor continued to wheel Justin off while one of the nurses held Alex back, wrapping a hand on her arm and telling her she needed to wait in the waiting room.

"What?" Alex cried. "No, I need to stay with my brother, I need to make sure he's okay."

"Sweetheart," the nurse said in a soothing voice, attempting to calm Alex down "I promise the doctor will do everything he can to help him, but you need to wait here while we do our jobs, okay? Now tell me, what's your brother's name?"

"Justin," Alex said between sniffles. "Justin Russo."

"Okay, I'm gonna go put him in our system and get him checked in while our team takes care of him, you need to go call your parents, okay?" Alex nodded and the nurse walked off. Alex pulled out her phone and dialed her mom's phone with shaking fingers. After three rings that felt like an eternity, Theresa Russo answered the phone.


"Mom," Alex sobbed into the phone.

"Alex? Honey, what's wrong?"

"Mom, Justin's hurt.... And it's all my fault."

Amnesia on Waverly Place - A Wizards of Waverly Place (Jalex) Fanfiction StoryWhere stories live. Discover now