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The glass of water I held in my hand fell and startled me. I began to scream.

           "Nara o o!" A deep sea of nervousness engulfed me. My thighs clapped against each other while my mouth stayed involuntarily open.

            "Nara!" I shouted again.

            "What is it?" She screamed back at me, rushing into the tiny living space.

            "What's going on?" Her hands fiddled with her Yellow star African print wrapper, wrapping it snugly round her waist.

My mouth was too frozen to speak. I pointed nervously at the screen.

         "So what?" She  scoffed, tucking her white blouse into the wrapper. "We know You've been watching these church meetings since you got sick. So what's the difference with this one?"

I rolled my eyes and silently prayed she would receive sense even if it was for once in her lifetime.

She intentionally ignored the TV program and went ahead to clean up the pieces of the broken cup still lying dejectedly on the floor.

        "Common Nara, look!" I pointed at the TV with my left hand while tapping her repeatedly on the back with the right. She swirled in my direction and let out a long hiss.

         "Won't you leave me alone?"

         "Look closely, who do you see?" I asked, grabbing her hands to get her attention.

She walked closer to the TV. A yelp escaped her mouth. "Adrian! Oh my God! It's Adrian! Jesus!"  She yelled wiping the TV screen  with the loose end of her wrapper.

Her hands folded across her head. Her foot stumped on the floor. "Ah! Did I not warn you not to give him that church, but your cone head didn't listen!"

         "Woman, shut up please! I need to listen to what he's saying." I thundered, increasing the TV volume to drown out her wails and judgments. That wasn't why I called her, but of course, she wouldn't miss any opportunity to mock me.

Seeing I was not in the mood for her nagging, she quietly left the room murmuring.

 Shortly, Adrian called the sick unto salvation and healing. I just placed my hand on the TV screen as he instructed. He made a heart felt prayer that brought me and many people in meeting to tears, yet I didn't feel anything on my body.

So I shrugged. Either way, I already made peace with death. My mind had accepted the outcome of my disease.

Within the first few weeks, I noticed that I felt better, stronger. My breathing went back to almost normal and the pain totally gone. I realized, I could do what I couldn't do before. I even went running and my body accommodated all my new exercises.

 Five months later, I was still going strong.  That was when I decided to run a check and miraculously, I got  a beautiful life sentence from the doctors.

My doctors moved me from stage three to stage one. This got me hooked to Adrian's healing services. Matter of fact, I became obsessed with his healing services.
I would sit by the TV, waiting for it every Monday morning, cancelling all other activities.

Soon after, I returned to the hospital again, this time the doctors gave me a clean bill of health. I was cancer free. My former assistant Pastor Adrian, and his God, whomever he was, healed me.

After that great deliverance, my greedy eyes turned on the massive crowd who attended his meetings. I was no longer on my knees begging God to heal me. The intense prayers and worship didn't matter anymore. All my attention was on the crowd and wild imagination of his portfolio.

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