A Battle Never Ends Until Someones Dead

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"Hey, Y/n..."

you turn around to see Draco in a suit with flowers


"Will You Go To The Yule Ball With Me"


Hermine Comes from Behind Draco

"Yes She Will" 


Draco Hands you the flowers and walks away

"Hermine You know I could have done that on my own"

"No, No You Couldnt"

"Now Let's Go Get Ready It's In 2 hours"

The 2 of you get ready and walk into the yule ball then suddenly the room goes dark and Voldemort Appears with the death eaters 

"My Dear Y/n, Did You Think This Night Was Going To Be Harmless?"

"No, that's why your little army isn't in here they're all in the dungeon"

"My Dear Y/n Have You Learned You Cant Best Me At My Own Game?"

"Guess I Never Really Got The Hang Of That Subject"

You Teleport behind him and hit him with the chair behind him 


The Whole School Goes Into Panic And makes Everyone Exit The School

you fall to the ground 


"A battle never ends until someone's dead"

You teleport Behind him and knock him to the ground

"Y/n My Dear Dont Do This"

"Dont Call Me That"

You Stom On his head and grab his wand before his last moment he pushes a button it sets the school on fire you walk out of the big hole in the wall as smoke surrounds you your eyes glow y/f/c 

they all run to you and help you and cheer for you Draco grabs you and spins you around and kisses you

-The End

Draco Malfoy X Y/n PotterWhere stories live. Discover now