Cancer (3)

669 19 9

Caspar unfortunately dies.
Joe woke up, looking at the ceiling of his and Caspar's flat. Until he died, this would still be Caspar's home. Joe looked at the time on his phone- 8.43am. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and grabbed a white t-shirt and some black jeans, quickly putting them on and taking himself and his phone upstairs. Joe sat down on the couch and unlocked his phone, going to his messages and clicking on Zoe's name.

Joe: should i tell twitter that Caspar has cancer and is in hospital?

Joe sent her the message and waited for a reply, a few minutes later he got one.

Zoe: Ok, but don't go too over the top if you know what I mean. x

Joe opened up the twitter app and pressed 'new tweet' and he started typing.

'@joe_sugg: unfortunatly, caspar was diagnosed with stomach cancer as you know and has now been moved to hospital as he wasn't feeling good or eating. no video from me today as i will be by his side all day. i hope you understand. ;)'

He sent the tweet and locked his phone, getting some weetabix for breakfast and eating them quite slowly.

"Joe." Caspar weakly says from his hospital bed. Joe tries to hold back tears but fails, them all falling down his cheeks. He sits next to Caspar and smiles at him, sighing.

"You ok?" Joe asks, fiddling with his thumbs and looking down. Caspar turns his head.

"I don't know really, mate. They said I only have about 5 days left, one week if i'm lucky." He says and rolls his eyes as he says the last part. He sighs and folds his arms and closes his eyes.

Joe looks at him and a few more tears fall down his cheek. At that moment, Zoe and Alfie burst through the door and run straight the the side of the bed after saying hello to Joe.

"Casp, hey." Zoe says, taking his hand and letting some tears slid down her cheeks. Alfie quickly wipes his tears away as they continue to fall from his eyes.

Alfie looks at Joe and nods his head, signalling to Joe to ask if he was ok. Joe slowly nods back, smiling weakly at Alfie and Alfie smiles back, looking at Caspar.

Joe stands up after saying bye to everyone and walks over to the door. Caspar looks at him longingly and lifts his head up slightly. Joe turns and walks out the door, letting more tears fall down his cheeks as he leaves the hospital.

'Tuesday 7th April 2016' Joe reads out loud and locks his phone again. Today he was going with everyone to the hospital to see Caspar. He was a mess right now. He was about to loose his best friend, roommate and step-brother. (inside joke from their videos btw)

He unlocked his front door and hopped in his car, started up the engine and drove to the hospital that was 30 minutes away.
When he got there, he signed in and got those blue things you put on your shoes and walked up 7 flights of stairs and finally got to Caspar's room.

When he opened the door, everyone was already there and crowing around his bed. Caspar looked weaker than ever. Pale face and blue lips. His eyes were slightly closed and most people were crying.

He walked over to Oli who was stood by his bed and smiled weakly at him.

"You ok, man?" Oli asks Joe, patting his back and smiling.

Joe doesn't reply, only stares at Caspar. Caspar looks around at everyone and starts to speak.

"Um, I have something to say." Everyone stares at Caspar.

"Alfie, you are a great guy and i'm am so glad that i have you in my life. Zoe, you are so sweet and kind. Why do I deserve someone like that in my life? Oli, man. I love you to pieces, son." Caspar said lots of things about everyone, then he got to Joe and looked over at him.

"Joe. You are my best friend in the whole world. I love you to pieces. The collabs we made were hilarious and i'm glad I met you. Yeah, you can be really annoying at times, but your humour and personality makes up for it. I'm glad I have you in my life. Take care, buddy."

Caspar whispers his last words as the beeping on the machine he was wired up to started to get slower.

Joe started to panic and ran over to the side of Caspar's bed. He took his hand and tears streamed down his face.

"Please say this is a dream." Joe kept whispering to himself. He looked at Caspar as he closed his eyes and the beeping turned to silence. The heart rate line on the screen was not moving, it was still.

Joe breathed heavily before placing a kiss on Caspar's head.

"I love you, see you soon."

i liked writing this!
i hope you enjoyed it!

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