At the Foot of the Citadel

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Aurora found herself at the foot of the citadel. Enormous blocks of the gutted wall littered the beach. She ran her fingers along one of them. The stone was cold and humid, already covered with salt. The sea wall no longer existed. Aurora was splashing in the water, gripped by a certain melancholy. She was coming back to the ruins of a battlefield. She turned toward the sea. The wind was blowing strongly, sand whipping her face. She perceived no whale on the horizon, no wave bringing danger. This time, the sea was calm. However, Aurora could not quite still her fears.

"What am I doing here again? I hope this doesn't foretell another disaster!"

"The right question would be more like: what am I doing here, frrt?"

Aurora noticed the ball of moss on her shoulder.

"Igor! I don't often find you in my dreams."

"I believe you can no longer do without me, frrt. That said, I doubt that it is one."


"Do you see any dragons in the sky, frrt? Do you see me flying with them? No."

"Well, but it is my dream! I dream whatever I like!"

"In that case, leave me alone, frrt. I have nothing to do here."

Aurora pulled at her hair.

"It's not true. Even when you're sleeping, you manage to get on my nerves! I never asked that you be present! I wanted nothing more than some peaceful sleep."

"So, what exactly is this beach, frrt? Is this the place you told me about? With the flying rocks... all that...."

"Yes, I have the impression I came back in my dream last night...."

"Don't start that again, frrt. I am telling you it's not a dream."

"And what do you want it to be if it's not a dream! One can never have a discussion with you. But let's go see if.... I wonder if she is still there...."

Aurora wandered about among the rocks. She remembered more or less where the statue had been, and was looking for pieces of marble. The mysterious woman who had stared at the horizon could perhaps give her some answers.

"Lift your head a little, frrt."


Igor pointed a filament toward the crack that split the wall in two. The elderly lady was waiting there, bent, her hands behind her back, as if she were guarding the entrance to the fortress. She gave off something tranquil, imposing. A mauve aura was emanating from her body. Intrigued, but also intimidated, Aurora approached her.

"Uh, hello," she started. "I am Aurora. Aurora Skaljnes. I have already seen you here. Well, in my... uh...."

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