Chapter Five

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   The following day at school, Gene finally knew what he needed to tell Courtney before things got out of hand. He walked down the hallway, scanning the school campus for her. When they spotted each other in the hallway, they quickly approached each other. 

   "We need to talk," Gene and Courtney stated, solemnly. 

   "Courtney, I-"

  Courtney cut him off with a desperate expression. "Gene, this is really important." 

  Gene sighed, sadly. "Courtney, I'm... sorry. I know what you're about to say. And... I'm flattered. I really am. But... I just love you as a friend. I still really, really care about you and I really don't want this to ruin our relationship. I just... having sex made me realize I don't really feel that way about anyone. 'Cause... I'm asexual." 

   Courtney looked at him for a moment before frowning. "Oh. Well... good on you for realizing that."

   "Please don't be sad!" Gene begged her. 

  "Sorry, Gene," Courtney said. "I am going to be sad. 'Cause I know that I'm in love with you." She scuffed one of her shoes on the ground before telling him, "And it also makes this next bit of news so much more complicated."

   Gene's eyes widened. "Wait... what do you mean?" 

   Courtney looked at him with an embarrassed expression. "Gene... I'm pregnant."

   An aura of dread settled over the room; the silence that followed was poignant enough that it could be tasted. The two old friends could merely stare at each other. 

   Finally, Gene swallowed hard and pierced the silence with a soft voice. "Is... is it mine?" 

  Courtney could only nod, apprehensively. Gene stood in stunned silence.

  "What... what should we do, Gene?" Courtney asked him. 

  Gene took a deep breath before he asked, "Permission to drop the F-Bomb?"

  "Permission granted," Courtney said. 

   Gene loudly cursed, making sure the world could hear his dismay.


   The next Friday, when Gene had the chance to video call with Tina again, he vented about his new troubles to her. Finishing up, he told her, "And that's why I'm moving to Mexico and changing my name to Alejandro." 

   "Wow... that's a lot to take in," Tina said. "Has she decided if she's going to keep them? And if she is, will you be involved?"

   "I haven't asked her yet," Gene told her. "We haven't talked again since that day." Gene sighed sadly, placing his hands on his chin. "I knew this was going to change everything. I never should've done this." 

   "I don't even know what to say," Tina breathed. "I can't believe Courtney got pregnant." 

  "It was my fault!" Gene cried. "I agreed to do it and I didn't even suggest a condom or anything. I barely even knew what I was doing." 

   "I'm so sorry, Gene," Tina uttered. She paused before she asked him, "So... what do you think you'll do now?" 

   Gene took a deep breath. "Find out what Courtney plans to do with the baby. Then, we'll go from there." 

   Tina nodded. 

   Gene slumped down in his chair, thinking about the mess he had gotten himself into. Not only was his friendship with Courtney forever changed, but they had accidentally created life that nobody was ready for. He wished he could go back to that moment and withdraw his consent. He imagined that if he hadn't made that mistake, things between him and Courtney would be normal and there definitely wouldn't be a baby in the equation. 

   Gene was grateful for the answers on his sexuality, but none of that mattered anymore. Despite the end to the confusion, the damage was done and the consequences had arrived. The consequences of damaging a close friendship. The consequences of having to tell not only Courtney's parents, but his own. The consequences of deciding what to do with a child that wasn't meant to exist.

   Gene had always been grateful for his parents' support in everything- except this time he wasn't so sure that he had it.

(A/N: This is the ending of Book One! Keep your eyes peeled for the second book in the Being Gene Belcher series called 'Step Two: Panicking Until It Works Out'. There will be five books in total! I'm so grateful for everyone's support on this series and I can't wait to see how y'all like the next book. 

Thank you so much for supporting Gene Belcher in his journey on growing up! <3) 


Being Gene Belcher: Step One: Questioning All You KnowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang