That Fateful Day

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It was February 14 and Walter White was going to spend the dau with his wife, sklar. meanwhile Jesse Pinkman, Walters bff, called to see if he had plans.

"Hey mista white yo."
"Yes jesse what is it?"
"You got plans for today bitch?"
"Yass im going to spend it with my with skhylar."
"What is it Jesse ? Are you alright?
"Its fine yo... I get it bitch."

Jesse hung up. He was hurt that walter had other plans but he understyrud. So Jesse went into town lookingh for a distraction to cheer him up. All he saw were happy couples, it was valentines day after all, and something inside him hurt. He was alone today and no amount of meth could change that fact. Jesse sat down on a bench outside of a 9/11 with his head in his hands. Thinking bnack on all he had done, he was trying to think where he went wrong. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up.

"Um sorry if this is sudden but are you alright?"

Before his eyes Jesse saw the most beutiful figure, perfectly sphereical, strong legs, a flowing fuse. Its all he couldve ever wanted!

"O-oh uhm, sorry bitch. Im just feelin kinda down today yo."
"No need to apologize! If anything i should be saying sorry! I just approched you out of nowhere so... sorry..."

Jesse blushed. How could this bomb be so cute without even trying?

"Nah, its fine bitch. Im glad you wanted to check up on me... no ones ever really done that... yo.."

Jesse looked away. The bomb took a seat next to him and pulled something out of her 7/11 bag.

"Here... i know its not much but maybe this will make you feel a bit better."

The bomb held out a pink heart shaped donut. Jesse took is and bit down. It tasted awful but he appreciated it nonetheless.

"Thanks, bitch..."
"No problem! I know it probably doesnt taste that good... i mean it IS from 7/11."
"Heh yeah, it did taste pretty bad but i appriciate the gesture yo"

The bomb giggled and Jesse smiled. Despite how the day started off Jesse was feeling good. This... bomb... how was it that she instantly turned his day around just by being around him? As jesse was thinking he kept staring at the bomb until...


It was Walter White!

Walter White and The Bomb: a Modern Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now