Unexpected Meetup

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Nobodys POV:

A couple of days have passed and Kazuha was hanging out with Ficshl and Mona.

~Hm I don't understand why Ficshl wouldn't like Heizou, he seems like a nice guy~

Kazuha thought to himself until Mona spoke up.

"So, Kazuha how fo you like it here so far?" She asked.

Kazuha smiled "It's been decent, my roomates not as half bad as I thought he would be" He explained, leaving Ficshl with a confused look.

"Wait so he's not mean?" She asked.

Kazuha shook his head "Nope, infact he's pretty welcoming— maybe I should introduce you guys!" He said.

Ficshl sighed "Okay.. since you say he's not that bad i'll meet him" She mumbled.

We continued to talk and eventually went to the nearby park.

We walked around and fischl kept wanting to feed the ducks.

We came across a ice cream truck and Fischl begged us to get some ice cream.

"Guys pleaseee I haven't had something sweet in agess!!" she whined.

"Okay okay we can make a quick stop but be quick" Mona sighed.

Fischl ran to the line at the truck and me and Mona followed behind her.

Fischl bought her ice cream and I decided maybe I could get myself an ice cream too.

Mona on the other hand didn't want ice cream, instead according to her she wanted to be more 'sophisticated' and get a fruit cup.

"I heard that theres a book competition" I brought up.

There were papers saying that theres a book writing competition, and whoevers book won they would get 4,000 dollars.

"Yes! that! I've already signed up for it and I really hope I win!" Fischl exclaimed.

"Don't get your hopes up, theres probably a ton of other people who are signing up" Mona said.

"Mona don't be so negative, either way its for the experience!" I said trying to brighten up the mood. "What's your book goong to be about, Ficshl?" I asked.

Ficshl crossed her arms and smiled "It's about the kingdom of darkness being destroyed after centuries of ruling over the world" She said proudly.

"I love that fantasy! It sounds great, I wish you luck!" I said.

"Excuse me? It is not a fantasy or any lind of fiction in that matter, It simply came from the intellectual mind of mine!" Ficshl scoffed.

I chuckle "What about you, Mona? Are you signing up?" I asked.

"Nope! that's just a waste of time and energy, I need to focus on my studies instead of something i'll lose anyways" Mona explained.

"You do have a point, studies are important too" I said.

Soon enough, Mona and Ficshl had to leave.

I went to a close cafe, just to get something like a cookie.

As I was walking into the doors when I saw someone familiar sitting at a table with a computer and papers.

I looked closer at the person and it was Heizou!  I didn't expect him to come here.

I decided to walk over to him to say hi.

"Hey, Heizou! What's up?" I said with a smile.

Heizou looked up and formed a slight smile "Kazuha! Come sit!" He invited me.

I took out a chair and sat next to him at the table. 
"How was your day so far?" I asked him.

"It's been going well, and you?" He replied.

I nodded "I'm getting used to the city, and it's pretty nice!" I said. 

"Thats good, Manhattan Is a really great place— I grew up here so I know almost everything here" Heizou said.

"So this is your hometown?" I asked.

He nodded "Yep! Though i've never really traveled a lot which is a shame, I've always wanted to visit new places" He sighed.

"I bet you'll be able to soon!" I say.

"Me too, Maybe you can come with me sometime!" He chuckled.

"Yeah, what're you writing there?" I asked.

Heizou looked back at his computer "Oh! I sighned up for that book competition thing that's going on, I love writing so wanted to give it a try!" He smiled.

"You're in the competition? That's great!  I personally like to write poetry, maybe I can give you some pointers and tips if you want" I say.

He glanced at his writings and looked back at me "Thanks, that would really help me since i'm not the greatest at writing stories.." He said sheepishly.

"I bet it's not that bad, whats it about?" I asked.

"It's a novel about a girl who gets heartbroken by the person she thought loved her, I know it sounds really dumb" He sighed

"No, it doesn't sound dumb, may I read it?" I asked.

"Sure, but just to warn you its really bad.." He said, embarrassed.  He passed me his computer and I scrolled up to the beginning.  I started to read it and I really liked it, I don't know why he would think it was bad.

I eventually reached to the point where he'd stopped.   "This is great, Heizou! Why don't you like it? you're literacy is so good!" I say.

He looked shocked "You really think its good?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, it's really good I think you might win!" I said trying to encourage him.

After I said that, He smiled and looked down.  "Wow, I didn't think that someone actually liked my writing.." He mumbled.

"I'm sure anyone would like it, it's really well written." I say.

He looked back up at me "Thank you, Kazuha" He said with a small smile plastered onto his face.

We continued talking at the cafe,  and we learned a lot about eachother.

"Well we should probably get going back to the dorms, we can't get in after 8:00" Heizou said as he got up.

"Alright then, Do you need help carrying your stuff?" I asked.

He put his computer in his bag along with his papers "I'm fine, thanks for the offer" He said.

We walked out of the cafe and headed back to campus.



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