Part 1

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The was once a little girl named Anna that loved dolls , one day Anna went to the mall with her mom, then came across a doll that looked lovely and cute. Because of her love for dolls she wanted to have it by all means necessary, not knowing the danger hidden. After some careful consideration she bought it for Anna
Filled with so much joy and happiness then went back home , Anna was so thrilled to play with her new doll she took her new doll outside and was happy. Then a group of Anna's mates came to where she was and snatched Anna's new doll from her. Anna struggled to get it back but was not able to then john threw the doll onto the road anna ran as fast as her legs could take her and when she was about to carry her doll a large truck ran over her and she died. Shocked at the seen the group of bullies then rushed over to Anna's dead body and took it to a forest and berried her there. (But they forgot Anna's doll there on the road) they all pretended to know nothing about anna or her doll. When Anna's mom came home she didn't see anna play with her doll but all she saw was the doll on Anna's bed she looked for anna all over the neighborhood but still no sigh of anna. That afternoon she found a piece of Anna's bangle on the road*Flash back* :"anna was aying outside with her doll when i went out and now this someone or people must have bullied her then done this) on knowing this Anna's mom made a promise to find the killer or killers of her sweet baby girl. Then with the bangle she went to the police station and reported about her missing baby girl". MEAN WHILE Anna's doll was out to get revenge for anna so she planed to kill all of Anna's killers so that night she went to johns house and when he was sleeping. She creeped in through the window and went with a knife and slowly climbed his bed and when john opened his eyes to see where the wind was coming from he saw Anna's doll with a knife hoisted above her head and then john screamed then she stabbed him cont untill she heard foot steps coming to his room then Anna's doll flee through where she came and when johns mom came in and she put on the light she screamed (in terror) seeing john terribly stabbed she ran over to see if she could do something but it was too late he had already died. She cried a lot for her dead son and sold her house and moved (to escape the memories if her dead son. On the other hand Anna's doll was planing on how she was going to kill Anna's best friend (may that killed her) she then did not waste time one one victim that night she went to mays house and creeped in through her window (as always) unfortunately may was playing with a doll in her room with her mom then when her mom went to go get some juice for them Anna's doll saw the mom had left she went over to may just like that and approached her and and she was so very surprised to see Anna's doll standing and talking on her own so she did not act afraid because she was knew she was not going to die so she started a conversation with the doll and may said "look Anna's doll im so very sorry ok please don't hurt me ok please try and understand my situation i had no choice but to kill anna ok if i did not they would have killed me like that too please try and understand ok " Anna's doll said "you could have just told her its all your fault she died anna was my favourite human being in the world and you killed her what do you want me to do how can you find me another anna can you because if you can i will go back and you will never see me in your life again so now im waiting for my new anna. Can you😡" May says " Please don't kill me lm so sorry. " Anna's doll says "any last words" May reply "mom i love you and am so sorry for Anna's death please forgive me." Anna's doll says"close your eyes and don't open them untill i leave got that " May (nods her head) Anna's doll ends up forgiving may and goes to next person instead. Anna's doll goes to Kevin's house and sees him in his yerd playing with his dog so she hides in the bushes waiting for him to make the wrong decision as she was about to strick Kevin's dog came in the way (this action made Anna's doll very angry and when kevin went inside she killed his dog with a knife) after she was done Anna's doll went to kill the real deal so she went inside his house and creeped in through his room door when he was taking a shower and she went under his bed waiting there for him to come (as he climbed his bed) Anna's doll had straps of rope tie him to the bed and when he was screaming in horror Anna's doll came and she told him"kevin calm down your not yet dead yet"kevin said "Anna's doll your alive wow this is amazing wow why do you want to kill me" Anna's doll said"because you joined them to kill anna right so its time for you to die"kevin said"so that's way i did not join them to kill anna i saved you remember *Flash back*: "after bob threw you in the street anna went to save you from the moving truck coming May and I told her not to go them after the accident I went to go pick you up and them. May was crying next to Anna's dead body and we both decided to tell her mom but Bob, Kate, Mike and Bell said " Lets berry her in the woods its the best way to dispose of her dead body *i said " Lets just tell her mom its better that way " Then they cought myself and May and they told us" if her mom ever hears about this we will become like anna got that! "So you see Mat and i are hands are very clean in this matter of Anna's murder. Kevin said " If you still want to kill me go ahead im not stopping you but there is one thing i want you to do for anna find Bob, Kate, Mike and Bell and if it is possible please kill them in their own ways please for anna kill them for anna ok " Anna's doll said " Ill kill them for myself, you and May ok now close your eyes don't open them untill i go got that "kevin said "( while his eyes were closed) thank you anna " Then she left for her house. Then the next day Anna's mom discovered that some one or some thing entered Anna's room yesterday and when she entered to find out she saw Anna's doll moving and when the doll turned to she said " Good morning mommy " She was so very stunned in seeing a doll moving then Anna's mom fainted so she had to go get May and Kevin to explain every thing to Anna's mom because she needed to find out where the rest lived. May and kevin came to Anna's house and saw her mom confused and trying to understand what was in fount of her (i.e a moving doll) so may and kevin explained every thing from Anna's death to Anna's dolls revenge on the people who killed her so she broke down in tires and cried so much Anna's doll saw this and she even wanted to kill them the more her moral busted up so may, kevin and Anna's doll planed. now she started with Kate so that night she went to Kate's house and unfortunately she was alone that day Anna's doll creeped into her room from the door and when she saw kate she approached kate with a hammer. So when kate saw her she was full of horror in her eyes and then kate began to cry out for help but Anna's anger just increased so she did not waste time in killing kate: she used the hammer and smashed Kate's head and then her body so there was no survival for kate and that's how she died). After she got out of the house she saw Kate's mom going to her child but when she entered she screamed  in seeing her daughter dead and brutally killed Kate's mom cried and like Bobs mom she also left the next morning. Mean while Anna's doll was not even showing any sigh of her ever stopping untill she kills every one who killed anna and she had also made a promise to May, kevin and Anna's mom that's why she could not be stoped. That day Anna's mom come and told Anna's doll to" Anna's doll please stop all  your killings please your driving every one away"Anna's doll said"mom but i made a promise to you that i will kill all of them so why now I've just killed two just let me finish Mike is next today ok "Anna's mom said " Anna will not be happy if she hears you kill people like this ok so please if you have to kill please kill them in a less brutal manner ok " Anna's doll said"ok i will reduce my brutality ok don't worry mom " Now go get some rest i have woke to do ok bye"Anna's doll went to the next persons house that is mike she went to mikes house but he was not there :kevin forgot to tell her that they left town too) so instead she went to bells house instead and when she went there she found out kevin and Bell where the once who actually killed anna. Kevin comes out form the dark with a hammer and belk from the other side with a shovel and kevin said to Anna's doll"today is your death day Anna's doll be happy cause you will die next to anna loom aver there her grave. Ohh! Thank you by the way for killing bob and kate ok now its time for you to join the dieing group how does that sound nice right"out of no where kevin threw his hammer at
Anna's doll and she broke (the only way to kill Anna's doll is to brake her in pieces ) at her hand area so when bell was about to hit her her shovel and kill her finally May jumped out of no where with a gun and shout bell three times and she died when kevin was not looking Anna's doll took the iron rod beside her and ran towards kevin jumped and stabbed him in his chest and he fell and died so now Anna's death was fully avenged by her doll. After all of that Anna's doll found hope of seeing anna again through May her best friend and Anna's new doll keeper and lived happy with her new owner.

Thank you for reading if you think this story needs a part two please let me know. 😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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