its okay

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YOUR POVrecently ive been getting bullied and harassed at school because a rumor that was spread

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recently ive been getting bullied and harassed at school because a rumor that was spread. yeah all because of that.

its been happening for months now and im getting so tired of it. sometimes i honestly just wanna jump off a cliff and die.

finney, robin, gwen, and donna are the only ones that have been there for me. they don't believe the stupid rumor. thank god.

i've been feeling really demotivated these past few months. even the teachers have been giving me dirty looks.

i got home from school and saw that my mom had left out a post it on the fridge.

'left early for work. make sure to clean the house.'

of course i have to clean it. i sighed, grabbed my backpack and walked upstairs to my room.
i shut my door and sat on my bed. i just wanna sleep.

it was 2:30 pm now. i can just sleep for 2 hours. i took my shoes off and laid down on my bed falling asleep.


i woke up but it was already dark outside. what. i looked at my clock to see it was 10:45 pm. what the fuck is wrong with me.

i felt as a tear fell down my cheek. soon enough a bunch of tears were flowing down my face. the phone rang stinging through my ears. i stood up quickly wiping my tears away.

i picked up the phone to hear


"hi this is the y/l/n residents.." i spoke.

"hey y/n, its finney.." he said.

"oh. hi finney." i said.

"are you okay.?" he asked me.

i didn't know what to say because i wasn't good but i didn't wanna make him feel bad so i stayed silent.

"y/n/n?" he said.

"im good." i answered.

"are you sure?" he asked.


"okay. bye. i love you." he said.

"i love you too bye."

i hung up the phone and walked back upstairs. i felt so numb to be honest. i felt as hot liquid started falling from my eyes. what the hell is going on with me. i've been crying over nothing and being really emotional lately. and no, im not on my period.

i walked back upstairs when i heard the front door open. i thought it was just my parents so i kept walking upstairs to my room.

when i got to my room i closed my door and laid in bed still crying. my room door opened and there stood... finney..?

"y/n/n.. are you okay...?" he asked.

"yeah." i said. he wasn't able to see my face since my back was faced towards him.

he slowly walked over to me and gently turned me around to face him. then he saw that i was crying.

"y/n/n... its okay.. you dont always have to hide how you're feeling." he said as he pulled me into a hug.

"i love you okay..?" he added.

"i love you too.." i said.

he half smiled at me and got into my bed cuddling with me. he laid my head on his chest, played with my hair and kissed my forehead.

"ill always be here no matter what." he whispered in my ear then pulling me closer as i slowly drifted off to sleep.

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