Chapter One

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Over time I have acquired a skill that has kept the life breathing through the aggregate of our pack.

The knowledge that I have sought and attained holds a power of its own in which, when used correctly, will always leave you one step ahead in the game, no matter what game that may be.

Unfortunately, some fates must not be meddled with under any circumstances, and thus emotions will flow seemingly unwillingly upon the tragic events that would be needed to be lived through, to be felt in its entirety. Some things can simply not be altered or erased, no matter how badly you wish things to be different.

That skill, was simply, to expect the unexpected.

Every possible outcome that could ever fall into play was equated for. The ins and outs of every operation, laid out in front of me. No matter what move you made, I was ready.

It helped a lot with not being surprised in many situations, if you had already thought of every possible outcome, it was rare that something could surprise you. That was the talent I had learned very well, and one of the reasons the pack trusted me so greatly as their Elder.

The power and skill to see every side of the die, no matter where I stood. Such great knowledge brought me a sense of comfort, it made life easier.

Which is why it was very rare that something happens that I did not see coming. Something that would completely break down all of my walls and leave me bare.

Someone that had me wanting to show all of my cards before the game had even begun, that would have me craving for more.

I had never wanted something before, I was always satisfied with what I had been given in life, even from a young age, I was never particular or swayed by such things. In turn, I never felt the need to have something.

Until now. I found that, not only did I want, but I needed him.


The Soul Wakers truly did fascinate me. As soon as I heard the name, I knew they were no real threat. Of course, they held a power so great, that they were not the kind you would want to mess with, but Soul Wakers were not an evil race.

They were referred to as the wakers of the soul, and they fought only for good. They were admirable, even after the war between Soul Wakers and Werewolves.

I watched from afar as Kaden sealed the portal, pulling the creature back through to whence it came. He had let Adam mark him, which was interesting to say the least, I knew he was hesitant, knew he was worried about how his people would perceive him. Yet, he let Adam mark him so he could save everyone, so he could be the hero he was truly born to be.

As I said, they were admirable. I wondered how he would handle the aftereffects, it would be harder for them to resist each other now.

It was unsettling, having to sit back and watch as some of my pack members got hurt, but after all this time, I was somewhat acquainted to it. The Elder had to be protected under any and every circumstance. That's what my brother would always say, anyway.

"It's over," Kaden said in Ceixean to the beast. Their mother tongue was always one that fascinated me, simply because, even when used in such a dominating and commanding tone like Kaden had used, the words sounded smooth and calming. A threat that sounded almost...reassuring. I chuckled lightly to myself at the thought, watching as Kaden's guards quickly got to transporting the injured back through to Galtolga.

I stepped closer through the trees, getting a clearer view of Kaden's doctors working to treat the injured and I felt a frown form of my face. If only I could help them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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