One Shot #1: Jacket Stealer

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A/N: This is a future one shot so Jinx is pregnant with the twins in this! So she stole Nova's jacket to wear while tinkering with her bombs when one goes off and scares her, leading to a meltdown and Nova just holding her.

Nova looked around, trying to find her jacket. She had set it down for 5 minutes to deal with some gang leaders, only to come back and find it missing. She knew her siblings didn't take it, they knew better. That left only one culprit left. Nova chuckled, shaking her head, swiping her hair out of her face and clipping it up with the silver decorated clips. They originally were silver, but now they're covered in Jinx's bright colors since the loose cannon took it upon herself to decorate it. Not that Nova minded. She had purposely left them where Jinx would find them. She walked off to the entrance to Jinx's lair.

"Jinx?" she called out, hearing Jinx's wild music playing "Get Jinxed" and the woman herself singing at the top of her lungs. She wore Nova's jacket, it dwarfing her frame as she worked on her bombs. Nova leaned against the doorway, admiring the sight. Now that's a wonderful sight. Seeing the love of her life wearing her clothing made her heart melt. Suddenly one of the bombs rolled off of the bench and went off. Fortunately it didn't explode like her other bombs did because it was a new one, but it still startled Jinx. The woman dropped to the ground, clutching her chest.

"Jinx!" Nova yelled, running over and kneeling next to her. Her icy eyes scanned her wife urgently, making sure she hadn't been hurt. Jinx latched onto her the best she could despite being pregnant with twins.

"N-Nova!" Jinx sobbed.

"Hey, monkey. It's okay. I'm here." Nova soothed. She ran her hand over Jinx's electric-blue hair, trying to soothe her. Jinx was shaking and clutching onto Nova tightly. Nova peppered her hairline with kisses. 

"You're okay, JJ." Nova purred, forcing deep rumbles to emit from her own chest. She laid Jinx's head on her chest and purred to her. Slowly but surely, Jinx's crying settled down.

"There we go." Nova murmured, smiling at her. Jinx smiled back. 

"'m sorry, fluff butt." Jinx mumbled.

"Hey. I would do that several thousand times over. What to know why? Because I married ya. We're going to have a family together." Nova told her. Jinx hugged her tightly.

"I know, I know. Ya don't have to remind me of that." Jinx laughed, a complete 180 on what her mood had just been. Nova grinned and kissed her forehead softly.

"But I want to because I love ya, silly." Nova hummed, wiggling her eyebrows at Jinx. Jinx was soon laughing and leaning into the other female, smiling. 

"'m glad I got ya, toots." Jinx hummed.

"Remind me why I ever let ya call me that in the first place?"

"Cause ya love me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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