Chapter 1

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a world where there's peace. That would be amazing but I guess that can never happen...... The rebellion and government were made because 2 enemies of each other made the 2 armies so they could fight. They fought for so long that the rebels and the government forgot why they were fighting if they even had a reason for fighting.


¨ Give me all your money.¨ He said while pointing a gun at him.

¨Am I supposed to be scared of a gun?¨ He said mockingly.

¨okay, your funeral.¨ He pulled the trigger and the bullet when flying to his head. The man pulled out a Katana and cut the tiny. bullet in half.

¨That's it¨ the man said In a sarcastic tone

¨ Who who WHO! Are you.¨

¨ My name is yu.¨ Yu said. ¨Now you either run or I'm gonna kill you..¨ The man was so scared he could not move. So Yu stabbed the scared man who tried robbing him.

Yu was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue pants, and black fingerless gloves, with a red katana at his side. While his emerald green eyes were shimmering.

Yu wants to join the rebel army because an arrogant low-level government officer came into the village, killed yu's dad in front of him, tied yu up, and made yu watch as he did the big r on his mother, then killed her and left scotch free.

He's been training ever since.

There is an energy called cosmic energy where there are 5 levels.

Level 1 Light blue

Level 2 dark blue

Level 3 Yellow

Level 4 red

Level 5 Purple

Back to the story

After that incident yu got a 5 million$ bounty for any bounty hunter who wants to collect it.

He signed up for the rebels. ¨Hello, there I would like to be an officer for the rebel.¨ Yu said While grinning.

".Interesting Yu, a person with a 5 million$ bounty. Has killed 7 government officers. Had a family but got killed. "Okay, Take this paper, it's an address to a place to test your skill. Go there in 1 week." 

1 week later

There was a guy who was wearing a black t-shirt with, black pants, purple eyes, and a sword on his back. The guy said. ¨ My name is Corski gate. I am the procedure. You will be paired up with another opponent. To join the rebel, all you have to do is give a good showing. The first match will be¨ while putting his hand in a bucket. ¨ Yu vs kaino.¨ Yu started walking down the stairs while kaino jumped down to the arena. Yu arrived at the arena.

¨Let's have a good fight yu said¨ Kaino ran at yu with impressive speed and threw a punch. Yu blocked and went for a punch. He blocked it too. ¨ You're not half bad¨ Kaino said.

¨could say the same for you¨ yu replied while both struggled. They both jumped back and took out their katana. They Ran at each other with a speed of a middle officer level speed and clashed at each other multiple times with skill. Then yu kicked Kainos leg making him trip then yu pinned him onto the floor and pointed his sword at his neck. Kaino was able to get his leg free and kick yu on the back hard, making yu falter and got himself free, and jumped back.

"Your pretty good" Kaino said while huffing and puffing. Both Yu and Kaino went back to the center and started throwing blows. Yu Throw a punch it hit Kaino on the stomach. Kaino Grabbed his stomach for a second but went into a blocking position when a roundhouse kick came in. Kaino successfully Blocked the kick and then punched yu 2 times The first one yu blocked but the 2nd one go yu in the face making yu fly back a little but yu did a backflip and landed on his feet.

"You are tough." both said. Then they both ran at each other and clashed with Katanas. It was a tough clash for yu but he managed to get behind him and put a sword next to his neck.

"Give up," Yu said.

¨I give up." Kaino responded

It was a girl named rin. She had red eyes, a light blue shirt, navy blue pants, and a katana in her hand. The procedure said. The proctor said rin vs Kevin. Kevin is basic looking and does not look like he is suited to be a soldier, The procedure said begin.

Kevin Put a sloppy stance on and Rin just quickly went behind him and knocked him out.

All the battles are over, and Corski only saw 3 people capable of joining the army. They are.

Rin okimi

Kaino Usakara


Most of the people there groaned and yu , rin, and kaino was in joy. While Yu, Rin, and kaino were celebrating, Corski interrupted Them.

¨The 3 people who passed are gonna half go to the headquarters to get their unit and to see when their first mission is. 

"Okay," they said.

10 minutes later

¨Rin is allowed to go in first.¨ she said

Rins pov. She was walking down the hallway and knocked on the door 3 times ¨come in¨

She heard. She walked in the door.

¨I'm not gonna waste time you are in unit 6 and your first mission is in 1 week¨. The man said.

¨okay¨ she said. While walking away. The same happened for Kaino and Yu but they both were assigned to unit 5 instead of 6.

Rin, Kaino , and Yu were talking to each other.

Rin said, "Wanna get something to eat."

"That's a good idea, I'm starving," Kaino responded.

Yu was gonna say no but his stomach grumbled so he said yes.

"Fine let's go eat," Yu replied. Rin, Kaino, and Yu walked inside a restaurant and took a seat. A waiter walked up to their table and asked what would they like to order. Rin asked for sushi. Yu asked for sushi, and Kaino asked for dumplings. It took 10 minutes to prepare. In Those 10 minutes, they talked to each other and got to know each other. The food arrived and they started eating. Yu stopped eating and asked one of the waiters nearby if he could get sake. The waiter said okay and got Yu some sake. After eating their food and Yu finished drinking his sake they paid and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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