Chapter 1

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Run. I tried to say it but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't believe in running away from a fight. I never have and I really don't ever want to but this case is different. Oliver shook me from my trance.

"We need to get out of here," he said, "The demon is only getting stronger the more we attack it. We stand no chance against such a creature. We need to figure out a plan to leave safely without losing more lives." I had not really realized how many of our group members' lives were taken away in such a short amount of time.

"I agree. I actually have a plan I strongly believe will work. If you and the others find a clear path to leave, I will distract the demon while you guys leave."

"Why does it always have to be you who risks their life to save everyone else's?"

"Because it is always me who gets us into these situations and it wouldn't be right to let everyone else try to fix my mistakes. Now please, I need you to trust me."

"I do but..."

"Good," I said, not letting him find a way to change my mind. "Then it shouldn't be too hard for me to trust you with your part. Once you have found a safe way out of this mess, let me know so I can make my escape."

"Will do your majesty." Oliver bowed and laughed. He turned around and started gathering up our things. As he did that, I made my way to the front door of the abandoned warehouse. When I opened the door, it made a loud creaking noise. A noise so loud it could wake up the beings of the underworld. I laughed a little. The demon turned his attention to me in an instant. Just then I realized what I had gotten myself into.

"Well, well, if it isn't the devil's daughter herself. He has high hopes for you, ya know. He speaks of a future in which you two rule the world together." The demon said in a disturbing way.

"Who are you and what are you talking about? I am no daughter of any fallen angel. You're just trying to push your way into my head and I won't let you!" I replied, furious but trying hard to not show it.

"Ah but you see child, what makes you think I, Morax, would travel all the way from Hell just to tell you a lie that is obviously too unbelievable? I only speak of the truth no matter how hard it is to believe." He seemed way to calm for a demon who just killed almost a dozen people.

"That's exactly it. You come here hoping to make everyone around you believe an unbelievable 'truth.' I have no reason to believe the words you speak."

"You're right, you don't, so I will give you one. Why do you think you are drawn to the demons? Why do you think you know so much about the underworld? I'll tell you why. It's because you are Lucifer's daughter." He started laughing. I couldn't believe what he was trying to convince me of.

"Alright so answer me this, if what you are saying is true, how come I am here on Earth and not in the underworld?"

"Oh come on, that's the best you got? That's an easy one. You're part human and part angel. Since Lucifer is a fallen angel, that's where you being part angel falls into line. Also, humans are not allowed into Hell unless dead and forced there."

"And if demons belong there too, what are you and all the rest of your kind doing here?" I honestly felt curious and wanted answers.

"As George Romeo said, 'When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." I almost fell backwards in disbelief. I am actually starting to believe him. I turned around so the demon wouldn't see my facial expressions and I saw Oliver. He gave me a worried look and I tried to reassure him with a smile that I was alright.

With that he gave me a thumbs up and left to the back of the warehouse. I turned back around to continue my questions, but the demon was nowhere to be seen. At first I thought he saw Oliver and went after him but I didn't feel his presence anymore. That got me thinking, is what he said really the truth. Am I a descendant of a monster? And what if demons do take over the Earth? All I know is that I need to figure this out... before it's too late.

I ran towards the direction Oliver and the group went in hopes to catch up with them. Once I did, I told Oliver I was happy he had come with me. Seeing him somehow lowers my stress levels. All at once, I forgot what had happened in the last 6 hours. The entire walk back was slow and quiet. I didn't make it back home until quarter to 8. I was thankful I made it back in time to have dinner with my family and talk about politics and money. I never really understood the importance of talking about the terrible decisions judges and employees make each day or what families have more money each year. It really had no effect on me whatsoever but normally I was still engaged in the conversations. But tonight was different.

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